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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Wherevpon all the councell came vnto the Starre chamber at Westminster; and the lord cardinall, lea|uing the protector with the councell in the Starcham|ber, departed into the sanctuarie to the quéene, with diuers other lords with him: were it for the respect of his honor, or that she should by presence of so manie perceiue, that this errand was not one mans mind: or were it, for that the protector intended not in this matter to trust anie one man alone; or else, that if she finallie were determined to kéepe him, some of that companie had happilie secret instruction, incon|tinent (mangre hir mind) to take him, and to leaue hir no respit to conueie him, which she was likelie to mind after this matter broken to hir, if hir time would in anie wise serue hir.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 When the quéene and these lords were come togi|ther in presence, the lord cardinall shewed vnto hir, that it was thought vnto the protector, and vnto the whole councell, that hir kéeping of the kings brother in that place, was the thing which highlie sounded, not onelie to the great rumor of the people and their obloquie; but also to the importable gréefe and dis|pleasure of the kings roiall maiestie, to whose grace it were as singular a comfort, to haue his naturall brother in companie, as it was their both dishonour, and all theirs and hirs also, to suffer him in sanctua|rie, as though the one brother stood in danger and pe|rill of the other [and therefore more conuenient it were they should be togither, than parted asunder; that the world may well thinke and saie both of their kinred and also of them, when they shall see and heare how they kéepe continuall companie, and liue in mu|tuall amitie (as becometh brethren) which bringeth commodities with it, for number, infinite; and for vse, comfortable and necessarie; as it is truelie said:

Quaeligat vnanimes foelix concordia fratres,
O quales fructus vtilitatis habet!]

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The cardinall shewed hir likewise, that the coun|cell therefore had sent him vnto hir, to require hir the deliuerie of him, that he might be brought vnto the kings presence at his libertie, out of that place, which they reckoned as a prison; and there should he be de|meaned according to his estate: and she in this doo|ing, should both doo great good to the realme, pleasure to the councell, and profit to hir selfe, succour to hir freends that were in distresse, and ouer that (which he wist well she speciallie tendered) not onelie great comfort and honor to the king, but also to the yoong duke himselfe, whose both great wealth it were to be togither, as well for manie greater causes, as also for their both disport & recreation.Protector. Which thing the lord estéemed no slight, though it séeme light, well ponde|ring that their youth without recreation and plaie cannot indure; nor anie stranger, for the conueni|ence of both their ages and estates, so méetlie in that point for anie of them, as either of them for other.

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