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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But euen by and by in his presence they piked a quarrell to the lord Richard Greie,The lord Greie is qua|relled against. the kings other brother by his mother, saieng, that he with the lord marquesse his brother, & the lord Riuers his vncle, had compassed to rule the king and the realme, and to set variance among the states, and to subdue and destroie the noble bloud of the Realme. Toward the accõplishing wherof they said that the lord marquesse had entered into the Tower of London, & thence ta|ken out the kings treasure, and sent men to the sea. All which things these dukes wist well were doone for good purposes and necessarie, by the whole councell at London, sauing that somewhat they must saie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Unto which words the king answered; What my brother marquesse hath doone I cannot saie, but in good faith I dare well answer for mine vncle Riuers and my brother here, that they be innocent of anie such matter. Yea my liege (quoth the duke of Buc|kingham) they haue kept their dealing in these mat|ters farre fro the knowledge of your good grace. And foorthwith they arested the lord Richard and sir Tho|mas Uaughan knight, in the kings presence; and brought the king and all backe vnto Northampton, where they tooke againe further counsell. And there they sent awaie from the king, whom it pleased them, and set new seruants about him, such as liked better them than him. At which dealing he wept, and was nothing content; but it booted not.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 And at dinner, the duke of Glocester sent a dish from his owne table vnto the lord Riuers, prai|eng him to be of good chéere: all should be well inough. And he thanked the duke, and praied the mes|senger to beare it to his nephue the lord Richard, with the same message for his comfort, who he thought had more néed of comfort, as one to whome such aduersitie was strange. But himselfe had béene all his daies in vre therewith, & therefore could beare it the better.The death of the lord Ri|uers & other. But for all this comfortable courtesie of the duke of Glocester, he sent the lord Riuers, and the lord Richard, with sir Thomas Uaughan into the north countrie, into diuerse places to prison, and af|terward all to Pomfret, where they were in conclu|sion beheaded.

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