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Compare 1577 edition: 1 And they that thus deeme, thinke that he long time in kings Edwards life forethought to be king; in case that the king his brother (whose life he looked that euill diet should shorten) should happen to deceasse (as in déed he did) while his children were yoong. And they déeme, that for this intent he was glad of his brothers death the duke of Clarence, whose life must néeds haue hindered him so intending, whether the same duke of Clarence had kept him true to his nephue the yoong king, or enterprised to be king him|selfe. But of all this point is there no certeintie, and who so diuineth vpon coniectures, maie as well shoot too farre as too short.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Howbeit this haue I by credible information learned, that the selfe night, in which king Edward died, one Mistlebrooke, long yer morning, came in great hast to the house of one Pottier dwelling in Redcrosse-stréete without Creplegate: and when he was with hastie rapping quickelie letten in, he she|wed vnto Pottier, that king Edward was depar|ted.

By my truth man quoth Pottier, then will my maister the duke of Glocester be king.
What cause he had so to thinke, hard it is to saie; whether he be|ing toward him, anie thing knew that he such thing purposed, or otherwise had anie inckeling thereof: for he was not likelie to speake it of nought.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 But now to returne to the course of this historie. Were it that the duke of Glocester had of old fore|minded this conclusion, or was now at erst therevn|to mooued, and put in hope by the occasion of the ten|der age of the yoong princes, his nephues (as opportu|nitie & likelihood of spéed putteth a man in courage of that he neuer intended) certeine it is that he con|triued their destruction, with the vsurpation of the regall dignitie vpon himselfe. And forsomuch as he well wist and holpe to mainteine a long continued grudge and heart-burning betwéene the quéens kin|red and the kings bloud, either partie enuieng others authoritie, he now thought that their diuision should be (as it was in déed) a furtherlie beginning to the pursuit of his intent.

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