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Compare 1577 edition: 1 This noble prince deceassed at his palace of West|minster, and with great funerall honor and heauines of his people from thence conueied,The loue of the people. was interred at Windsor. A king of such gouernance & behauior, in time of peace (for in warre each part must néeds be o|thers enimie) that there was neuer anie prince of this land, atteining the crowne by battell, so hearti|lie beloued with the substance of the people: nor hée himselfe so speciallie in anie part of his life, as at the time of his death. Which fauour and affection, yet af|ter his deceasse, by the crueltie, mischiefe, and trou|ble of the tempestuous world that followed, highlie toward him more increased. At such time as he died, the displeasure of those that bare him grudge for king Henries sake the sixt, whome he deposed, was well asswaged, & in effect quenched, in that manie of them were dead in more than twentie yeres of his reigne, a great part of a long life: and manie of them in the meane season growne into his fauour, of which he was neuer strange.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 He was a goodlie personage, and princelie to be|hold,Description of Edward the fourth. of heart couragious, politike in counsell, in ad|uersitie nothing abashed, in prosperitie rather ioifull than proud, in peace iust and mercifull, in warre sharpe and fierce, in the field bold and hardie, and na|theles no further (than wisdome would) aduenturous, whose warres who so well considered, he shall no lesse commend his wisedome where he voided, than his manhood where he vanquished. He was of visage louelie, of bodie mightie, strong, and cleane made: howbeit, in his latter daies with ouer liberall diet somewhat corpulent and boorelie, and nathelesse not vncomelie. He was of youth greatlie giuen to flesh|lie wantonnesse: from which health of bodie, in great prosperitie and fortune, without a speciall grace hard|lie refraineth, the poet implieng no lesse and saieng:

Mens erit apta capi tunc cùm laetissima rerum,
Vt seges in pingui luxuriabit humo.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 This fault not greatlie gréeued the people: for neither could anie one mans pleasure stretch and ex|tend to the displeasure of verie manie, and was with|out violence, and ouer that in his latter daies lessed, and well left. In which time of his latter daies this realme was in quiet and prosperous estate, no feare of outward enimies, no warre in hand, nor none to|ward, but such as no man looked for. The people to|ward the prince, not in a constreined feare, but in a willing and louing obedience: among themselues the commons in good peace. The lords, whome hée knew at variance, himselfe in his death bed appea|sed: he had left all gathering of monie (which is the onelie thing that withdraweth the hearts of English men from the prince) nor anie thing intended he to take in hand, by which he should be driuen therto: for his tribute out of France he had before obteined; and the yeare foregoing his death, he had obteined Berwike.

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