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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Iohn Tiptoff, a noble man borne, a great trauel|ler, excellentlie learned, and wrote diuerse treatises, and finallie lost his head in the yeare 1471, in time of the ciuill warre betwixt the houses of Yorke and Lancaster; Iohn Shirwood bishop of Durham; Tho|mas Kent an excellent philosopher; Robert Huggon borne in Norffolke in a towne called Hardingham, wrote certeine vaine prophesies; Iohn Maxfield a learned physician; William Gréene a Carmelit fri|er; Thomas Norton borne in Bristow an alcumist; Iohn Meare a moonke of Norwich; Richard Por|land borne in Norffolke a Franciscane frier, and a doctor of diuinitie; Thomas Milling a moonke of Westminster, a doctor of diuinitie and preferred to the bishoprike of Hereford; Scogan a learned gen|tleman and student for a time in Oxford, of a plesant wit, and bent to merrie deuises, in respect whereof he was called into the court, where giuing himselfe to his naturall inclination of mirth & pleasant pastime, he plaied manie sporting parts, although not in such vnciuill maner as hath beene of him reported.

Thus farre the prosperous reigne of Edward the fourth, sonne and heire to Richard duke of Yorke.
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The historie of king Edward the fift, and king Richard the third vnfinished, written by maister Thomas More then one of the vnder shiriffes of London, about the yeare of our Lord 1513, accor|ding to a copie of his owne hand, printed among his other workes.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 _KIng Edward the fourth of that name, after that he had liued fiftie & three yeeres, seuen moneths, and six daies, and thereof reigned two and twentie yeares, one moneth, & eight daies, died at West|minster the ninth daie of A|prill, the yeare of our redemption, a thousand foure hundred fourescore and thrée; leauing much faire is|sue, that is to wit, Edward the prince, a thirtéene yeares of age; Richard duke of Yorke two yeares yoonger; Elizabeth, whose fortune and grace was af|ter to be quéene, wife vnto king Henrie the seuenth, and mother vnto the eight; Cicilie, not so fortunate as faire; Briget, which representing the vertue of hir, whose name she bare, professed and obserued a re|ligious life in Dertford, an house of close nunnes; Anne, that was after honorablie married vnto Tho|mas, then lord Howard, and after earle of Surrie; and Katharine, which long time tossed in either for|tune, sometime in wealth, oft in aduersitie, at the last, if this be the last (for She liued at such time as this storie was penned. yet she liueth) is by the be|nignitie of hir nephue king Henrie the eight, in verie prosperous estate, and worthie hir birth and vertue.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 This noble prince deceassed at his palace of West|minster, and with great funerall honor and heauines of his people from thence conueied,The loue of the people. was interred at Windsor. A king of such gouernance & behauior, in time of peace (for in warre each part must néeds be o|thers enimie) that there was neuer anie prince of this land, atteining the crowne by battell, so hearti|lie beloued with the substance of the people: nor hée himselfe so speciallie in anie part of his life, as at the time of his death. Which fauour and affection, yet af|ter his deceasse, by the crueltie, mischiefe, and trou|ble of the tempestuous world that followed, highlie toward him more increased. At such time as he died, the displeasure of those that bare him grudge for king Henries sake the sixt, whome he deposed, was well asswaged, & in effect quenched, in that manie of them were dead in more than twentie yeres of his reigne, a great part of a long life: and manie of them in the meane season growne into his fauour, of which he was neuer strange.

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