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Compare 1577 edition: 1 William Iue a doctor of diuinitie and prebenda|rie of saint Paules in London; Thomas Wilton a diuine, and deane of the said church of Paules in London; Iulian Bemes, a gentlewoman indued with excellent gifts both of bodie and mind, wrote certeine treatises of hawking and hunting, deligh|ting greatlie hir selfe in those exercises and pastimes; she wrote also a booke of the lawes of armes, and knowledge apperteining to heralds; Iohn Stam|berie borne in the west parts of this realme, a Car|melit frier, and confessor to king Henrie the sixt, he was also maister of Eaton colledge, and after was made bishop of Bangor, and remooued from thence to the sée of Hereford; Iohn Slueleie an Augustine frier, prouinciall of his order; Iohn Fortescue a iudge and chancellor of England, wrote diuerse treatises concerning the law and politike gouerne|ment.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Rochus a Chaterhouse moonke borne in London, of honest parents, and studied in the vniuersitie of Paris, he wrote diuerse epigrams; Iohn Phreas borne also in London was fellow of Balioll colledge in Oxenford, and after went into Italie, where he heard Guarinus that excellent philosopher read in Ferrara, he prooued an excellent physician and a skilfull lawier, there was not in Italie (whilest he re|mained there) that passed him in eloquence & know|ledge of both the toongs, Gréeke and Latine; Wal|ter Hunt a Carmelit frier, a great diuine, and for his excellencie in learning sent from the whole bodie of this realme, vnto the generall councell holden first at Ferrara, and after at Florence by pope Eu|genius the fourth, where he disputed among other with the Gréekes, in defense of the order and cere|monies of the Latine church; Thomas Wighenhall a moonke of the order called Premonstratensis in the abbie of Durham in Norffolke.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Iohn Gunthorpe went into Italie, where he heard that eloquent learned man Guarinus read in Fer|rara, after his comming home into England he was deane of Welles, and kéeper of the priuie seale; Iohn Hambois an excellent musician, and for his notable cunning therein made doctor of musicke; William Caxton wrote a chronicle called Fructus temporum, and an appendix vnto Treuisa, beside di|uerse other bookes and translations; Iohn Miluer|ton a Carmelit frier of Bristow, and prouinciall of his order through England, Ireland, and Scotland, at length (bicause he defended such of his order as preached against endowments of the church with temporall possessions) he was brought into trouble, committed to prison in castell S. Angelo in Rome, where he continued thrée yeares, and at length was deliuered thorough certeine of the cardinals that were appointed his iudges; Dauid Morgan a Welsh man, treasuror of the church of Landaffe, wrote of the antiquities of Wales, & a description of the countrie.

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