Compare 1577 edition: 1 But king Iames was knowne to be a man so wedded to his owne opinion, that he could not abide them that would speake contrarie to his fansie: by meanes whereof, he was altogither led by the coun|sell and aduise of men of base linage, whome for their flatterie he had promoted vnto great dignities and honourable offices. By which persons diuerse of the nobilitie of his realme were greatlie misused and put to trouble, both with imprisonment, exactions, & death; insomuch that some of them went into volun|tarie exile. Amongst whome Alexander duke of Al|banie, brother to king Iames, being exiled into France, & passing through England, taried with K. Edward: and vpon occasion mooued him to make warre against his brother, the said king Iames, for that he forgetting his oth, promise, and affinitie con|cluded with king Edward, caused his subiects to make roads and forraies into the English borders, spoiling, burning, and killing king Edwards liege people.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 King Edward, not a little displeased with this vn|princelie dooing, prouoked and set on also by the duke of Albanie, determined to inuade Scotland with an armie, as well to reuenge his owne iniuries recei|ued at the hands of king Iames, as to helpe to re|store the duke of Albanie vnto his countrie and pos|sessions againe.Preparation for warre a|gainst Scot|land. Herevpon all the Winter season he mustered his men, prepared his ordinance, rigged his ships, and left nothing vnprouided for such a iour|nie: so that in the beginning of the yeare, all things apperteining to the warre, and necessarie for his voi|age, were in a readinesse.1482 Anno Reg. 22. To be the cheefteine of his hoast, and lieutenant generall, Richard duke of Glo|cester was appointed by his brother king Edward;An armie sen [...] into Scot|land. and with him were adioined as associats, Henrie the fourth earle of Northumberland, Thomas lord Stanleie lord steward of the kings house, the lord Louell, the lord Greiestocke, and diuerse other no|ble men and worthie knights.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 These valiant capteins came to Alnewike in Nor|thumberland, about the beginning of Iulie, where they first incamped themselues, & marshalled their hoast. The fore-ward was led by the earle of Nor|thumberland, vnder whose standard were the lord Seroope of Bolton, sir Iohn Middleton, sir Iohn Dichfield, and diuerse other knights, esquiers, & soul|diers, to the number of six thousand and seauen hun|dred. In the midle-ward was the duke of Glocester, and with him the duke of Albanie, the lord Louell, the lord Greiestocke, sir Edward Wooduile, and o|ther, to the number of fiue thousand & eight hundred men. The lord Neuill was appointed to follow, ac|companied with three thousand. The lord Stanleie led the wing on the right hand of the dukes battell with foure thousand men of Lancashire & Cheshire. The lord Fitz Hugh, sir William a Parre, sir Iames Harrington, with the number of two thou|sand souldiers, guided the left wing. And beside all these, there were one thousand appointed to giue their attendance on the ordinance.