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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Ambassadours were sent to and fro betwixt the king of England and France,1480 Anno Reg. [...] and still the French king fed the king of England with faire words, put|ting him in hope to match his sonne and heire the Dolphin with the ladie Elizabeth daughter to the king of England, according to the conclusions of a|gréement had and made at Picquenie betwixt them, although in verie déed he meant nothing lesse. His ambassadours euer made excuses if anie thing were amisse, and he vsed to send change of ambassadours; so that if those which had béene here before, and were returned, had said or promised anie thing (though they were authorised so to doo) which might turne to their masters hinderance, the other that came after, might excuse themselues by ignorance of that matter; af|firming that they wanted commission once to talke or meddle with that matter: or if he perceiued that anie thing was like to be concluded contrarie to his mind, for a shift he would call his ambassadours home in great hast, and after send an other with new instructions nothing depending on the old.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Thus the French king vsed to dallie with king Edward in the case of this mariage, onelie to kéepe him still in amitie.The French king féedeth the king of England with faire words and promises. And certeinelie the king of Eng|land, being a man of no suspicious nature, thought sooner that the sunne should haue fallen from his cir|cle, than that the French king would haue dissem|bled or broken promise with him. But there is none so soone beguiled, as he that least mistrusteth; nor a|nie so able to deceiue, as he to whome most credence is giuen. But as in mistrusting nothing, is great lightnesse; so in too much trusting, is too much follie: which well appeared in this matter. For the French king, by cloking his inward determinate purpose with great dissimulation and large promises, kept him still in fréendship with the king of England, till he had wrought a great part of his will against the yoong duchesse of Burgognie. Which king Edward would not haue suffered, if he had put anie great doubt in the French kings faire promises, conside|ring that the crowne of France was in this meane time so much increased in dominions, to the great re|enforcement of that realme.

¶On the two and twentith of Februarie were fiue notable théeues put to death, Abr. Fl. ex I.S. pag. 748, 749. Fiue théeues for sacrilege seuerelie ex [...]|cuted. for robbing the church called saint Martins le grand in London, and other places; thrée of them were drawne to the Tower hill, hanged & burnt, the other two were pressed to death. A sore and seuere kind of execution no doubt, but yet thought by iustice meritorious in the malefactors, for their offenses of sacrilege. Heinous enough had it beene to spoile a priuat man of his goods, and by law of nations punishable with death; but much more horrible, that prophane persons with polluted hands should priuilie or openlie so touch holie & consecrated things, as to take them out of a sacred place, where|to (for holy vses) they were dedicated, & applie them to the satisfieng of the corrupt concupiscences of their owne hearts, the bottomlesse gulfe whereof bicause no booties nor spoiles could satisfie; it stood with the high praise of iustice that they and their ceaselesse de|sires were seuered by deserued death; wherefore it is wiselie said by the comicall poet of such gréedie guts:

Quam quis auidus poscit escam auariter,Pla [...]. in [...].
Decipitur in transenna perítque auaritia.

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