Compare 1577 edition: 1 Which marriage king Edward (enuieng the pro|speritie of his brother) both gaine said and disturbed, and thereby old malice reuiued betwixt them: which the quéene and hir bloud (euer mistrusting, and priui|lie barking at the kings Image) ceassed not to in|crease. But sure it is, that although king Edward were consenting to his death; yet he much did both lament his infortunate chance, & repent his sudden execution: insomuch that when anie person sued to him for the pardon of malefactors condemned to death, he would accustomablie saie, & openlie speake:
Oh infortunate brother, for whose life not one would make sute. Openlie and apparantlie meaning by such words, that by the meanes of some of the nobili|tie he was deceiued and brought to confusion.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 This duke left behind him two yoong infants be|got of the bodie of his wife, the daughter of Richard late earle of Warwike: which children by destinie as it were, or by their owne merits, following the steps of their ancestors, succéeded them in like misfortune and semblable euill chance. For Edward his heire,Edward erle of Warwike sonne & heire to George duke of Cla|rence. whom king Edward had created earle of Warwike was thrée and twentie yeares after, in the time of Henrie the seauenth, atteinted of treason, and on the Tower hill lost his head. Margaret his sole daugh|ter maried to sir Richard Pole knight, and by Hen|rie the eight restored to the name, title, & possessions of the earledome of Salisburie,Margaret duchesse of Salisburie. was at length for treason committed against the said Henrie the eight atteinted in open parlement; and sixtie two yeares after hir father had suffered death in the Tower, she on the greene within the same place was beheaded. In whose person died the verie surname of Planta|genet, which from Geffrie Plantagenet so long in the bloud roiall of this realme had florished and con|tinued.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 After the death of this duke,A great pesti|lence. by reason of great heat and distemperance of aire, happened so fierce & quicke a pestilence, that fiftéene yeares warre past consumed not the third part of the people, that one|lie foure moneths miserablie and pitifullie dispatched & brought to their graues. So that if the number had béene kept by multiplieng of vnities, & out of them to haue raised a complet number, it would haue mooued matter of verie great admiration. But it should séeme that they were infinit, if consideration be had of the comparison, inferred for the more effectuall set|ting foorth of that cruell and ceaselesse contagion. And suerlie it soundeth to reason, that the pestilence should fetchawaie so manie thousands, as in iudge|ment by proportion of fiftéene yeares warre one maie gather; and manie more too. For euerie man knoweth that in warres, time, place, persons, and meanes are limited: time of warre begun and en|ded; place circumscribed; persons imbattelled, and weapons also whereby the fight is tried: so that all these haue their limitations, beyond which they haue no extent. But the pestilence, being a generall infection of the aire, an element ordeined to main|teine life, though it haue a limitation in respect of the totall compasse of the world; yet whole climats maie be poisoned: and it were not absurd to saie, that all and euerie part of the aire maie be pestilentlie cor|rupted; and so consequentlie not limited: wherefore full well it maie be said of the pestilence (procuring so great a depopulation) as one saith of surfetting:
Ense cadunt multi, perimit sed crapula plures.Auson.