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¶But hauing spoken thus much of the earle of Rich|mond, Abr. Fl. ex Edw. Hall fol. Ccxxxvij. whome Edward Hall compareth to a shéepe be|traied into the téeth and clawes of the woolfe, you shall vnderstand, that at such time as his troubles were set fresh abroach, and he knowing that he was going towards his death, for verie pensifenesse and inward thought, fell into a feruent and sore ague. In which verie season, one Iohn Cheulet, so estéemed among the princes of Britaine as few were in all the countrie, and in much credit, and well accepted with the duke, was (when these things were thus concluded) for his solace in the countrie. Who being hereof certified, was chafed with the abhomination of the fact, resorted to the court, and familiarlie came to the dukes presence, where he stood so sadlie and so palie, without anie word speaking, that the duke was much abashed, and suddenlie maruelled at his sad and frowning countenance, and demanded of him what should signifie that dumpishnesse of mind, and inward sighing, the which by his countenance manifestlie appeared and was euident? He modestlie answered;

Most noble and redoubted lord, this pale|nesse of visage and deadlie looke dooth prognosticate the time of my death to approach and be at hand, which if it had chanced to me before this daie, I assure you, it had much lesse hurt me. For then had I not beene reserued to féele the dolorous pangs and sorowfull sighings, which a fact by you doone (that I thoug [...] EEBO page image 701 [...] EEBO page image 702 impossible to be obteined) hath printed in my stomach and in my heart deeplie grauen: so that I well per|ceiue, that either I shall lose my life, or else liue in perpetuall distresse and continuall miserie.

For you my singular good lord, by your vertuous acts and noble feats, haue gotten to you in manner an immortall fame, which in euerie mans mouth is extolled & aduanced aboue the high clouds. But alas me séemeth (I praie you pardon me my rudenesse) that now that you haue obteined so high praise and glorie, you nothing lesse regard than to kéepe and preserue the same inuiolate, considering that you, forgetting your faith and faithfull promise made to Henrie earle of Richmond, haue deliuered the most innocent yoong gentleman to the cruell tor|mentors, to be afflicted, rent in péeces, and slaine. Wherefore all such as loue you, of the which number I am one, cannot choose but lament & be sorie, when they sée openlie the fame and glorie of your most re|nowmed name, by such a disloialtie and vntruth a|gainst promise, to be both blotted and stained with a perpetuall note of slander and infamie. Peace mine owne good Iohn (quoth the duke) I praie thée, beléeue me there is no such thing like to happen to the earle of Richmond: for king Edward hath sent for him, to make of him, being his suspected enimie, his good and faire sonne in law.

Well well (quoth Iohn) my redoubted lord, giue credence vnto me: the earle Henrie is at the ve|rie brinke to perish, whome if you permit once to set but one foot out of your power and dominion, there is no mortall creature able héereafter to deliuer him from death.

The duke being mooued with the persuasi|ons of Iohn Cheulet, which either little beleeued, or smallie suspected king Edward, to desire the earle for anie fraud or deceipt, or else seduced by blind aua|rice and loue of monie, more than honestie, fidelitie, or wisedome would require, did not consider what he vnaduisedlie did, or what he aduisedlie should haue doone. Wherefore, with all diligence he sent foorth Pe|ter Landoise his cheefe treasuror, commanding him to intercept and staie the earle of Richmond, in all hast possible, as before you haue heard.]

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