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¶ But here I will not let passe a pretie conceipt that happened in this gathering, Abr. Flem. ex Edw. Hall. fol. Ccxxvj. in the which you shall not onelie note the humilitie of a king, but more the fantasie of a woman. King Edward had called be|fore him a widow, much abounding in substance, and no lesse growne in yeares, of whome he merilie demanded what she gladlie would giue him toward his great charges? By my trueth quoth she, for thy louelie countenance thou shalt haue euen twentie pounds. The king looking scarse for the halfe of that summe, thanked hir, and louinglie kist hir. Whether the flauor of his breath did so comfort hir stomach, or she esteemed the kisse of a king so pretious a iewell, she swore incontinentlie, that he should haue twen|tie pounds more, which she with the same will paied that she offered it. Iohn [...] ¶This yeare the duke of Excester was found dead in the sea betwéene Douer and Ca|lis, but how he came there the certeintie could not be knowne.]

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 When all things conuenient for such an enterprise were in a readinesse, the king came to Douer,14 [...] Anno Reg. [...] where he found fiue hundred ships and hoies readie to tran|sport him and his armie. And so the fourth daie of Iu|lie he passed ouer,The K. [...] an armie pas|seth ouer [...] France. and landed at Calis with great tri|umph; but his armie, horsses, and munitions of war scarse passed ouer in twentie daies. In this armie (being one of the best appointed that had passed out of England into France in manie yeares before) were fifteene hundred men of armes well horssed, of the which the most part were barded and richlie trap|ped, and manie of them trimmed in one sute. There were also fiftéene thousand archers with bowes and arrowes, of the which a great number were on hors|backe. There were also a great companie of other fighting men, and of such as serued to set vp tents and pauilions, to attend the artillerie and to inclose their campe, and otherwise to labour and be imploied in seruice.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In all this armie was there not one page. The king of England was at his ariuall highlie displea|sed with the duke of Burgognie, who in the word of a prince had promised to meet him at his landing, with two thousand men of armes and light horsse|men, besides a great number of lanceknights and halberdiers, and that he would haue begun the war three moneths before the kings transporting; where|as contrarilie the duke laie lingering at the siege of Nusse,The siege of Nusse. and let passe the occasion of atchiuing a more profitable enterprise. King Edward incontinentlie dispatched the lord Scales in post vnto the duke, to put him in remembrance of his promise,The lord Scales. and to ad|uise him to come and ioine with him before the sum|mer were spent.

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