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And ouer the said librarie a house of the same largenesse, for diuerse stuffe of the said colledge.The ward|robe. In the other end of the same pane a hall, conteining in length an hundred foot,The hall. vpon a vawt of twelue foot high, ordeined for the cellar and butterie: and the breadth of the hall six and thirtie foot. On euerie side thereof a baie window. And in the nether end of the same hall toward the middle of the same pane,The pantrie and butterie. a pan|trie & butterie, euerie of them in length twentie foot, and in breadth seuentéene foot. And ouer that two chambers for officers. And at the nether end of the hall toward the west, a goodlie kitchin.The colledge kitchin. And the same pane shall haue inward two towers, ordeined for the waies into the hall and librarie. And in euerie corner of the said quadrant, shall be two corner towers, one inward, and one outward, more than the towers a|boue rehearsed.

And at the vpper end of the hall, the prouosts lod|ging, that is to wit,The prouosts lodging. more than the chambers for him aboue specified, a parlour on the ground, conteining six and thirtie foot in length, and two and twentie foot in breadth, & two chambers aboue of the same quan|titie. And westward closing there to a kitchin for him, a larderhouse, stables, and other necessarie hou|sings and grounds. And westward beyond these hou|ses, and the said kitchin ordeined for the hall, a bake|house, a brewhouse, and other houses of office: be|twixt which there is left a ground square of fourscore foot in euerie pane for wood and such stuffe.

The bakhouse and brewhouse. The wood|yard.

The water conduit.

And in the middle of the said large quadrant, shall be a conduit, goodlie deuised for the ease of the same colledge. And I will, that the edification proceed in large forme of my said colledge cleane and substantiall, setting a|part superfluitie of so great curious workes of in|taile and busie moulding.

And I haue deuised and appointed that the precinct of my said colledge,The precinct of the colledg [...] as well on both sides of the gar|den from the colledge to the water, as in all other places of the same precinct, be inclosed with a sub|stantiall wall, of the height of fourtéene foot, with a large tower at the principall entrie against the mid|dle of the east pane, out of the high stréet. And in the same tower a large gate,The water gate. and another tower in the middle of the west end at the new bridge. And the same wall to be creafted, imbattelled, and fortified with towers, as manie as shall be thought conueni|ent therevnto. And I will that my said colledge be edified of the most substantiall & best abiding stuffe, of stone, lead, glasse, and iron, that maie best he had and prouided thereto. ¶ Thus much I haue inlarged by occasion of reading this good kings will: the cun|ning deuise wherof I leaue to the considerate iudge|ment of such as be expert in architecture, heartilie desiring almightie God to put into the heart of some noble prince of this land, one day to make perfect EEBO page image 693 this roiall worke so charitablie begun.]

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