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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 And where the more part of their armie consisted of footmen, the capteins could not haue gone anie further, except they would haue left their footmen be|hind them, and so of necessitie they were driuen to staie there, determining to abide the aduenture that God would send them. For well they knew that the king followed them verie néere at hand, so as if they should haue gone further, and left the most part of their companie behind, as it could not otherwise haue chanced, he would haue béene readie to haue taken the aduantage wholie, so to distresse them. Héerevpon they pight their field in a close,The place where ye lords [...]camped. euen hard at the townes end, hauing the towne and the abbeie at their backes; and directlie before them, and vpon each side of them, they were defended with cumber|some lanes, déepe ditches, and manie hedges, beside hils and dales, so as the place séemed as noisome as might be to approach vnto.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The king on this fridaie, verie erlie in the morning, aduanced his standards, and in good order of battell hauing diuided his armie into thrée wards, marched through the plaines of Cotteswold. The daie was ve|rie hot, and hauing in his armie aboue thrée thousand footmen, he trauelled with them and the residue thir|tie miles and more. By all which waie,The painfull march of king Edward with his armie. they could find neither horssemeat, nor mans meat, no not so much as water for their horsses, except one little brooke, of the which they receiued no great reléefe; for what with the horsses and carriages that passed thorough it, the water became so troubled, that it serued them to no vse: and still all that daie king Edward with his ar|mie was within fiue or six miles of his enimies, he in the plaine countrie, and they among the woods.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 King Edward had euer good espials, to aduertise him still what his enimies did, and which waie they tooke. At length he came with all his armie vnto a village called Chiltenham,Chiltenham. like a fiue miles distant from Teukesburie, where he had certeine know|ledge that his enimies were alreadie come to Teu|kesburie, and were incamped there, purposing to a|bide him in that place, and to deliuer him battell. King Edward therevpon made no long delaie, but tooke a little refection himselfe, and caused his people to doo the like, with such prouision of vittels as he had appointed to be conueied foorth with him for the re|léefe of himselfe and his armie. This doone, he set for|ward towards his enimies, and lodged that night in a field not past thrée miles distant from them.

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