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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The marquesse Montacute, thinking to succour his brother, was likewise ouerthrowne and slaine, with manie other of good calling, as knights and es|quiers,The mar|quesse Mon|tacute slaine. [...]. Flem. beside other gentlemen. [But some saie that the said marquesse, hauing agreed priuilie with king Edward, did weare his liuerie, whome one of his brother the earle of Warwiks men espieng, fell vp|on him and killed him outright.] Some write that this battell was so driuen to the vttermost point, that king Edward was constreined to fight in his owne person, and that the earle of Warwike, which was wont euer to ride on horsekacke from place to place, and from ranke to ranke, comforting his men, was now aduised by the marquesse his brother, to leaue his horsse, and to trie the extremitie by hand strokes, [which may be probable & likelie. But by the report of some it séemeth that he was not slaine in the heat of the conflict, [...] Fl. ex I. S. [...]. among the rout of the fighting men, but afterwards in this sort. For when he saw the kings power preuaile and his owne sore impaired and past hope of good spéed, with the slaughter of his adhe|rents (gentlemen of name) and himselfe in the verie mouth of the enimie in possibilitie to be deuoured, he lept vpon a horsse to flie, and comming into a wood where was no passage, one of king Edwards men came to him, killed him, and spoiled him to the naked skin. Sir William Tirrell knight was killed on the earle of Warwikes part.]

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 On both parties were slaine (as Ed. Hall saith) ten thousand at the least,The number at Bar|net field. where Fabian saith but fifteene hundred and somewhat aboue. Other write that there died in all about three thousand. Upon the kings part were slaine, the lord Crumwell, the lord Saie, the lord Montiois sonne and heire, sir Humfrie Bour|chier sonne to the lord Berners, and diuerse other knights, esquiers, and gentlemen. The battell indu|red the space of thrée hours verie doubtfull by reason of the mist, and in skirmishing and fighting, now in this place, now in that, but finallie the victorie fell on the kings side; and yet it could not be estéemed that his whole armie passed nine thousand fighting men (as some write) where his aduersaries (as by the same writers appeareth) were farre aboue that number. But bicause those that so write, séeme altogither to fauor king Edward, we maie beléeue as we list.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The duke of Summerset, and the earle of Oxford fled in companie of certeine northerne men, which had béene at the battell; and (as some write) the earle of Oxford kept foorth with them,The duke of Summerset and the earle of Oxfo [...]d. [...]. and retired after in|to Scotland. But yet as well the duke of Summer|set, as the said earle of Oxford, in fléeing toward Scotland, changed their purpose vpon the waie, and turned into Wales to Iasper earle of Penbroke. The duke of Excester being striken downe and [...]ore wounded,The duke of Excester. was left for dead in the field, amongst o|ther the dead bodies, bicause he was not knowne, and by reason thereof comming to himselfe, got vp, and in great danger escaped vnto Westminster, and there tooke sanctuarie. [But some say, that after hée had lien in the field, [...] Flem. spoiled, wounded, and (to sée to) void of life, from seuen of the clocke in the morning, till foure at after noone, he was caried to a seruants house of his there by (named Ruthland) where (after his wounds were searched and dressed by a surgian) he was conueied into Westminster sanctuarie.]

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