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Compare 1577 edition: 1 But touching the kings people which were pursu|ed in the chase as they fled, and were put to the worst, manie were wounded, and manie slaine outright. But the residue of those that fought in other parts could not perceiue this distresse of the kings people, bicause the thicke mist would not suffer them to sée anie space farre off, but onelie at hand: and so the kings battell that saw not anie thing what was doone beside them, was nothing discouraged. For (a few excepted that stood next to that part) there was not anie one that wist of that discomfiture; and the o|ther of the earle of Warwikes men,The [...] courage of the earle of War|wike. that fought in other places somewhat distant from them, were no|thing the more incouraged by this prosperous suc|cesse of their fellowes, for they perceiued it not. And in like case as at the west end the earles battell ouer|reached the kings, so at the east end the kings ouer|reached the earls, and with like successe put the earls people in that place to the worse.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 At length after sore fight, and greater slaughter made on both sides, king Edward hauing the grea|ter number of men (as somewrite, though other af|firme the contrarie) began some what to preuaile: but the earle on the other side remembring his ancient fame and renowme, manfullie stucke to it, and in|couraged his people, still supplieng with new succors in places where he saw expedient, and so the fight re|newed more cruell, fierce, & bloudie than before, inso|much that the victorie remained still doubtfull, though they had fought from morning till it was now far in the daie. K. Edward therefore willing to make an end of so long a conflic [...], caused new power of fresh men (which he had for this purpose kept in store) to set on his enimies.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The earle of Warwike was nothing abashed herewith, but vnderstanding that this was all the re|sidue of king Edwards power, comforted his men to beare out this last brunt, and in so dooing the victo|rie was sure on their side, and the battell at an end: but king Edward so manfullie and valiantlie assai|led his aduersaries, in the middle and strongest part EEBO page image 685 of their battell, that with great violence he bare downe all that stood in his waie; for he was followed and assisted by a number of most hardie and faithfull men of warre, that shewed notable proofe of tried manhood in that instant necessitie. The earle of Warwike (when his souldiers all wearied with long fight, and sore weakened with woundes and hurts re|ceiued in the battell) gaue little heed to his words (be|ing a man of an inuincible stomach) rushed into the middest of his enimies, whereas he (aduenturing so farre from his companie, to kill and slea his aduersa|ries,The earle of Warwike [...]. that he could not be rescued) was amongst the preasse of his enimies striken downe and slaine.

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