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Compare 1577 edition: 1 The earle of Warwike, vnderstanding all his doo|ings and purposes, wrote to the Londoners, willing & charging them in anie wise to keepe king Edward out of their citie, and in no condition to permit him to enter: and withall he sent to his brother the arch|bishop of Yorke, willing him by all meanes possible to persuade the Londoners not to receiue him;The arch|bishop of Yorke. but to defend the citie against him for the space of two or thrée daies at the least: promising not to faile but to come after him, and to be readie to assaile him on the backe, not doubting but wholie to distresse his power and to bring him to vtter confusion. The archbishop herevpon, on the ninth of Aprill, called vnto him at Paules, all such lords, knights, and gentlemen, with others that were partakers on that side, to the num|ber in all of six or seauen thousand men in armour.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 King Henrie sheweth him|selfe to the Londoners.Herewith also he caused king Henrie to mount on horssebacke, and to ride from Paules thorough Cheape downe to Walbroke, & so to fetch a compasse (as the custome was when they made their generall processions) returning backe againe to Paules vnto the bishops palace, where at that time he was lod|ged. The archbishop supposed, that shewing the king thus riding thorough the stréets, he should haue allu|red the citizens to assist his part. True it is, the ma|ior & aldermen had caused the gates to be kept with watch and ward: but now they well perceiued that king Henries power was too weake, as by that shew it had well appeared, to make full resistance against king Edward, and so not for them in trust vnto, if king Edward came forward, and should attempt to enter the citie by force: for it was not vnknowne vnto them, that manie of the worshipfull citizens, and others of the commons in great numbers, were fullie bent to aid king Edward, in all that they might, as occasion serued.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Thus, what thorough loue that manie bare to king Edward, and what thorough feare that diuerse stood in, least the citie being taken by force might happilie haue beene put to the sacke, with the losse of manie an innocent mans life;

The Londo|ners resolue to receiue king Ed|ward.

The archbi|shop of Yorke.

the maior, aldermen, and o|thers the worshipfull of the citie fell at a point a|mong themselues, to kéepe the citie to K. Edwards vse, so as he might haue free passage and entrie into the same at his pleasure. The archbishop of Yorke, perceiuing the affections of the people, and how the most part of them were now bent in fauour of king Edward vpon the said kings approch towards the ci|tie, he sent foorth secretlie a messenger to him, besée|ching him to receiue him againe into his fauour, promising to be faithfull to him in time to come, and to acquit this good turne hereafter with some singu|lar benefit and pleasure.

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