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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Héerevpon, they not thinking it good to abide longer there, determined with all spéed to dislodge, and so about two of the clocke after midnight they departed from Newarke, leauing some of their peo|ple EEBO page image 681 behind, which either stale awaie from them, and taried of purpose, or could not get awaie so soone as their fellowes. In déed the foreriders that so discoue|red them within the towne of Newarke, aduertised the king thereof in all post hast, who incontinentlie assembled his people, and foorthwith marched tow|ards them: but before he came within thrée miles of the towne, he had knowledge that they were fled and gone from Newarke. Whervpon he returned a|gaine to Notingham, intending to kéepe on his nee|rest waie towards the earle of Warwike, whome he vnderstood to be departed from London, and to be come into Warwikeshire, where & in the countries adioining he was busied in leuieng an armie, with the which he purposed to distresse him.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The king then from Notingham came to Lei|cester,K. Edward commeth to Leicester. where three thousand able men, and well furni|shed for the warre came vnto him. These were such as he knew would liue and die in his quarrell, the most part of them belonging vnto the lord Hastings the kings chamberlaine. And thus he, being more stronglie accompanied than before, departed from Leicester, and came before the wals of the citie of Couentrie,The earle of Warwike in Couentrie. the nine and twentith daie of March. The earle of Warwike was withdrawne into this citie, kéeping himselfe inclosed therein with his people, being in number six or seauen thousand men. The king sent to him, and willed him to come foorth into the field, and there to make an end of the quarell in plaine battell: but the earle at that present refused so to doo.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 For although, vnder pretense of king Henries authoritie,K. Edward prouoketh the earle of War|wike to fight. he was reputed the kings generall lieute|nant of the whole realme, whereby he had got such power togither, as was thought able inough to match with the king for number; yet bicause he doub|ted how they were bent in his fauour, he durst not commit the matter vnto the doubtfull chance of battell, till he had more of his trustie fréends about him. The king therefore three daies togither prouo|ked him to come foorth, but when he saw it would not be, he remooued to Warwike an eight miles from Couentrie,He cõmeth to Warwike. where he was receiued as king, and so made his proclamations from that time foorth in all places where he came, vnder his accustomed name and title of king.

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