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Compare 1577 edition: 1 For this wilfull periurie (as hath béene thought) the issue of this king suffered (for the fathers of|fense) the depriuation not onelie of lands and world|lie possessions, but also of their naturall liues, by their cruell vncle K. Richard the third. [And it may well be. For it is not likelie that God, in whose hands is the bestowing of all souereigntie, will suf|fer such an indignitie to be doone to his sacred maie|stie, and will suffer the same to passe with impunitie, And suerlie, if an osh among priuate men is religi|ouslie to be kept, sith in the same is an exact triall of faith and honestie; doubtlesse of princes it is verie nicelie and preciselie to be obserued: yea they should rather susteine a blemish and disgrace in their roial|tie, than presume to go against their oth and promise, speciallie if the same stand vpon conditions of equi|tie: otherwise they prooue themselues to be impug|ners of fidelitie, which is a iewell surpassing gold in price and estimation, as the poet prudentlie saith:

Charior est auro non simulata fides.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 When king Edward had thus gotten into the ci|tie of Yorke, he made such meanes among the citi|zens, that he got of them a certeine summe of mo|nie; and leauing a garison within the citie contrarie to his oth, for feare least the citizens after his depar|ture, might happilie mooue some rebellion against him, he set forward the next day toward Todcaster, a towne ten miles from thence, belonging to the earle of Northumberland. The next day he tooke his waie toward Wakefield and Sendall, a castell and lordship belonging to the inheritance of the dukes of Yorke,The marques Montacute suffereth king Edward to passe by him. leauing the castell of Pomfret vpon his left hand, where the marques Montacute with his armie laie, and did not once offer to stop him.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Whether the marques suffered him to passe by so, with his good will or no, diuerse haue diuerslie con|iectured. Some thinke that it lay not in the power of the marques greatlie to annoie him, both for that the king was well beloued in those parties; & againe, all the lords & commons there for the most part were to|wards the earle of Northumberland, and without him or his commandement they were not willing to stirre. And therefore the earle in sitting still and not moouing to and fro, was thought to doo king Edward as good seruice as if he had come to him, and raised people to assist him; for diuerse happilie that should haue come with him, remembring displeasures past, would not haue béene so faithfull as the earle him|selfe, if it had come to the iumpe of anie hazard of battell.

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