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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 As king Edward with saile and ore was thus ma|king course towards the duke of Burgognies coun|trie (whither he determined at the first to go) it chan|ced that seuen or eight gallant ships of Easterlings, open enimies both to England and France, were a|brode on those seas, and espieng the kings vessels, be|gan to chase him. The kings ship was good of saile, and so much gat of the Easterlings,King Ed|ward arriued at Alquemar [...] that he came on the coast of Holland, and so descended lower before a towne in the countrie called Alquemare, and there cast anchor as néere the towne as was possible, bi|cause they could not enter the hauen at an ebbing water. The Easterlings also approched the English ship, as néere as their great ships should come at the low water, intending at the floud to haue their preie: as they were verie like to haue atteined it in déed, if the lord Gronture,The lord Gronture. gouernor of that countrie for the duke of Burgognie, had not by chance béene at the same time in that towne.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 This lord (vpon knowledge had of king Edwards arriuall there in the hauen, and in what danger he stood by reason of the Easterlings) commanded them not to be so hardie as once to meddle with anie Eng|lishmen, being both the dukes fréends and alies. Then did king Edward & all his companie come on land. Who after they had beene well refreshed & gent|lie comforted by the lord Gronture, they were by him brought to the Hagh, a rich towne in Holland, where they remained a while, hauing all things necessarie ministred to them by order of the duke of Burgog|nie, sent vnto the lord Gronture, immediatlie vpon certificat from the said lord Gronture of king Ed|wards arriuall. [Héere we sée in what perplexities king Edward and his retinue were, partlie by eni|mies at home in his owne countrie, whose hands he was constreined to flée from by the helpe of the sea; partlie also by aduersaries abroad, seeking opportuni|tie to offer him not the incounter onelie, but the o|uerthrow. And suerly, had not good fortune fauoured him, in preparing readie meanes for him to auoid those imminent dangers; he had doubtlesse fallen a|mong the weapons of his owne countrimen, and so EEBO page image 676 neuer haue feared forren force: but in escaping both the one and the other, euen with shift of so spéedie ex|pedition, it is a note (if it be well looked into) of happi|nesse, if anie happinesse may be in preseruation from ruine and reproch.]

Edw. Hall. fol. ccix. Now let all Englishmen (saith Edward Hall) con|sider (as before is rehearsed) what profit, what com|moditie, and what helpe in distresse, the mariage of the ladie Margaret, king Edwards sister to the duke Charles, did to him in his extreame necessitie; and but by that meane vncurable extremitie: for his alies and confederats in Castile and Arragon were too far from him, either speedilie to flie to, or shortlie to come fro with anie aid or armie. The French king was his extreme enimie, and freend to king Henrie, for whose cause in the king of Scots (for all the leage betwéene them) he did put little confidence and lesse trust. The states and all Eastland were with him at open war, and yet by this marriage, God prouided him a place to flie to, both for refuge and reléefe.

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