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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 But yet the duchesse of Yorke his moother letted this match as much as in hir laie: & when all would not serue, she caused a precontract to be alleged, made by him with the ladie Elizabeth Lucie. But all doubts resolued, all things made cléere, and all cauillations auoided, priuilie in a morning he mar|ried the said ladie Elizabeth Graie at Grafton be|foresaid, where he first began to fansie hir. And in the next yere after she was with great solemnitie crow|ned queene at Westminster.1465 Anno Reg. 5. Hir father also was created earle Riuers, and made high constable of England: hir brother lord Anthonie was married to the sole heire of Thomas lord Scales: sir Thomas Graie sonne to sir Iohn Graie the quéenes first hus|band, was created marques Dorset, and married to Cicelie heire to the lord Bonuille. The French king was not well pleased to be thus dallied with; but he shortlie (to appease the gréefe of his wife and hir sister the ladie Bona) married the said ladie Bona to the duke of Millan.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Now when the earle of Warwike had knowledge by letters sent to him out of England from his tru|stie friends, that king Edward had gotten him a new wife,The earle of Warwike of|fended with the kings ma|riage. he was not a little troubled in his mind, for that he tooke it his credence thereby was great|lie minished, and his honour much stained, namelie in the court of France: for that it might be iudged he came rather like an espiall, to mooue a thing ne|uer minded, and to treat a marriage determined be|fore not to take effect. Suerlie he thought himselfe euill vsed, that when he had brought the matter to his purposed intent and wished conclusion, then to haue it quaile on his part; so as all men might thinke at the least wise, that his prince made small account of him, to send him on such a sléeuelesse errand.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 All men for the most part agrée, that this marri|age was the onlie cause, why the earle of Warwike conceiued an hatred against king Edward, whome he so much before fauoured. Other affirme other cau|ses; and one speciallie, for that king Edward did at|tempt a thing once in the earles house, which was much against the earles honest is (whether he would haue deflour [...]d his daughter or his néece, the certein|tie was not for both their honours openlie reuealed) for suerlie, such a thing was attempted by king Ed|ward; which loued well both to behold and also to féele faire damsels. But whether the iniurie that the earle thought he receiued at the kings hands, or the dis|daine of authoritie that the earle had vnder the king, was the cause of the breach of amitie betwixt them: truth it is, that the priuie intentions of their harts brake into so manie small peeces, that England, France, and Flanders, could neuer ioine them a|gaine, during their naturall liues.

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