Compare 1577 edition: 1 Quéene Margaret, hearing of the captiuitie of hir husband, mistrusting the chance of hir sonne, all desolate and comfortlesse departed out of Scotland, and passed into France, where the remained with hir father duke Reiner, till she returned into Eng|land to hir harme, as after ye shall heare. The new duke of Summerset, and his brother Iohn, sailed in|to France, where they also liued in great miserie; till duke Charles, bicause he was of their kin, as descen|ded of the house of Lancaster by his mother, succou|red them with a small pension, which was to them a great comfort. The earle of Penbroke went from countrie to countrie,The earle of Penbroke. not alwaies at his hearts ease, nor in safetie of life. [As for his dignitie and reputa|tion, it was the more obscured, for that he had lost the title of his honor, Ab. Flem. and left at his wits end, doubtfull and vncerteine in contrarie factions (as manie more) what to say or doo for his best securitie. Neuer|thelesse he concealed his inward discontentment, and as oportunitie of time ministred matter, so he grew in courage, and fell to practises of force (with other complices) therby to accomplish the cloudie conceits of his troubled mind, being persuaded, that tempo|rall misfortunes are, if not vtterlie auoidable, yet manfullie to be withstood, or at least with audacitie & courage to be suffered, as the poet properlie saith:
Tu ne cede malis, [...]ed contra audentior ito. Vir. Ac [...]. 6. ]
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 King Edward being thus in more suertie of his life than before, distributed the possessions of such as tooke part with king Henrie the sixt, to his souldiers and capteins, which he thought had well deserued: and besides this, he left no other point of liberalitie vnshewed, whereby he might allure to him the bene|uolent minds and louing hearts of his people. And moreouer, to haue the loue of all men, he shewed him selfe more familiar both with the nobilitie and com|munaltie, than (as some men thought) was conueni|ent, either for his estate, or for his honor: notwith|standing the same liberalitie he euer after vsed. The lawes of the realme, in part he reformed, and in part he newlie augmented.New coin [...] stamped. The coine both of gold and sil|uer (which yet at this day is) he newlie deuised, and diuided; for the gold he named roials and nobles, and the siluer he called grotes and halfe grotes.
¶ In
Michaelmasse terme were made sergeants at law, Thomas Yoong, Nicholas Geneie,
Abr. Fl. ex I. S. pag. 716. Sergeants feast.
Register of maiors.