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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Shortlie after, quéene Margaret obteined a great companie of Scots, and other of hir friends, and so bringing hir husband with hir, and leauing hir sonne called prince Edward in the towne of Berwike, en|tered Northumberland, tooke the castell of Ban|burgh,Banburgh castell. and stuffed it with Scotishmen, and made thereof capteine sir Rafe Greie, and came forward toward the bishoprike of Durham. When the duke of Summerset heard these newes, he without delaie reuolted from king Edward,The duke of Summerset reuolteth. and fled to king Hen|rie. So likewise did sir Rafe Persie, and manie other of the kings friends. But manie mo followed king Henrie, in hope to get by the spoile: for his armie spoiled and burned townes, and destroied fields wher|soeuer he came. King Edward aduertised of all these things, prepared an armie both by sea and land.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Some of his ships were rigged and vittelled at Lin, and some at Hull, and well furnished with soul|diers were herewith set foorth to the sea. Also the lord Montacute was sent into Northumberland, there to raise the people to withstand his enimies. And af|ter this, the king in his proper person, accompanied with his brethren, and a great part of the nobilitie of his realme, came to the citie of Yorke, furnished with a mightie armie, sending a great part thereof to the aid of the lord Montacute, least peraduenture he giuing too much confidence to the men of the bi|shoprike and Northumberland, might through them be deceiued.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The Lord Montacute then hauing such with him as he might trust,The lord Montacute. marched foorth towards his eni|mies, and by the waie was incountered with the lord Hungerford, the lord Roos, sir Rafe Persie, and diuerse other, at a place called Hegelie moore, where suddenlie the said lords,Hegelie moore. in maner without stroke striking, fled; and onelie sir Rafe Persie abode, and was there manfullie slaine,Sir Rafe Persie. with diuerse other, sai|eng when he was dieng; I haue saued the bird in my bosome: meaning that he had kept his promise and oth made to king Henrie: forgetting (belike) that he in king Henries most necessitie abandoned him, and submitted him to king Edward, as before you haue heard.

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