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Compare 1577 edition: 1 All this season was king Henrie in Scotland, and quéene Margaret (being in France) found such friendship at the French kings hands,1463 Anno Reg. 3. that she ob|teined a crue of fiue hundred Frenchmen, with the which she arriued in Scotland.The quéene returneth foorth of France. And after that she had reposed hir selfe a time, she sailed with hir gallant band of those ruffling Frenchmen toward Newca|stell, and landed at Tinmouth. But whether she were afraid of hir owne shadow, or that the Frenchmen cast too manie doubts; the truth is, that the whole ar|mie returned to their ships, and a tempest rose so sud|denlie, that if she had not taken a small carauell, and that with good spéed arriued at Berwike, she had beene taken at that present time by hir aduersaries.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 And although fortune was so fauourable to hir, yet hir companie with stormie blasts was driuen on the shore before Banburgh castell, where they set their ships on fire, and fled to an Iland called holie I|land, where they were so assailed by the bastard Ogle, and an esquier called Iohn Manners, with other of king Edward freends, that manie of them were slaine, and almost foure hundred taken prisoners: but their coronell Peter Bressie, otherwise called mon|sieur de Uarenne, happened vpon a fisherman, and so came to Berwike vnto queene Margaret, who made him capteine of the castell of Alnewike, which he with his Frenchmen kept, till they were rescued.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Shortlie after, quéene Margaret obteined a great companie of Scots, and other of hir friends, and so bringing hir husband with hir, and leauing hir sonne called prince Edward in the towne of Berwike, en|tered Northumberland, tooke the castell of Ban|burgh,Banburgh castell. and stuffed it with Scotishmen, and made thereof capteine sir Rafe Greie, and came forward toward the bishoprike of Durham. When the duke of Summerset heard these newes, he without delaie reuolted from king Edward,The duke of Summerset reuolteth. and fled to king Hen|rie. So likewise did sir Rafe Persie, and manie other of the kings friends. But manie mo followed king Henrie, in hope to get by the spoile: for his armie spoiled and burned townes, and destroied fields wher|soeuer he came. King Edward aduertised of all these things, prepared an armie both by sea and land.

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