Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The quéene being in France, did obteine of the yoong French king then Lewes the eleuenth, that all hir husbands friends, and those of the Lancastriall band, might safelie and suerlie haue resort into anie part of the realme of France, prohibiting all other of the contrarie faction anie accesse, or repaire into that countrie. ¶Thus ye haue heard, how king Hen|rie the sixt, after he had reigned eight and thirtie yeares & od moneths, was driuen out of this realme. But now leauing him with the princes of his part, consulting togither in Scotland, and queene Marga|ret his wife gathering of men in France, I will re|turne where I left, to proceed with the dooings of king Edward.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 This yoong prince, hauing with prosperous suc|cesse obteined so glorious a victorie in the mortall battell at Towton, and chased all his aduersaries out of the realme, or at the least waies put them to si|lence, returned after the maner and fashion of a tri|umphant conquerour, with great pompe vnto Lon|don; where according to the old custome of the realme, he called a great assemblie of persons of all degrees, and the nine & twentith daie of Iune was at West|minster with solemnitie crowned and annointed king. ¶ In which yeare, this king Edward called his high court of parlement at Westminster, in the which, the state of the realme was greatlie reformed, and all the statutes made in Henrie the sixt his time (which touched either his title or profit) were reuoked.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 In the same parlement, the earle of Oxford far striken in age, and his sonne and heire the lord Aw|breie Uéer, either through malice of their enimies, or for that they had offended the king, were both, with diuerse of their councellors, attainted, and put to exe|cution; which caused Iohn earle of Oxford euer after to rebell. There were also beheaded the same time, sir Thomas Tudenham knight, William Tirell, and Iohn Montgomerie esquiers, and after them diuerse others. Also after this, he created his two yoonger brethren dukes, that is to saie, lord George duke of Clarence, lord Richard duke of Glocester; and the lord Iohn Neuill, brother to Richard earle of War|wike, he first made lord Montacute, and afterwards created him marques Montacute.