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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 So their shot almost spent, the lord Fauconbridge marched forward with his archers, which not onelie shot their whole sheafes, but also gathered the ar|rowes of their enimies, and let a great part flie a|gainst their first owners, and suffered a great sort of them to stand, which sore troubled the legs of the nor|therne men, when the battell ioined. The earle of Northumberland and Andrew Trollop,The earle [...] Northu [...]|berland. chiefe cap|teins of king Henries vawward, séeing their shot not to preuaile, hasted to ioine with their enimies, and the other part slacked not their pase. This battell EEBO page image 665 was sore foughten, for hope of life was set aside on either part, & taking of prisoners proclamed a great offense,The obstinate minds of b [...]th parts. so euerie man determined to vanquish or die in the field.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 This deadlie conflict continued ten houres in doubtfull state of victorie, vncerteinlie heauing and setting on both sides; but in the end, king Edward so couragiouslie comforted his men, that the other part was discomfited and ouercome,King Henries part discomfi|ted. who like men a|mazed, fled toward Tadcaster bridge to saue them|selues, where in the mid waie is a little brooke cal|led Cocke, not verie broad, but of a great déepenesse, in which,Cocke or ri|uer. what for hast to escape, and what for feare of their followers, a great number was drowned there. It was reported, that men aliue passed the riuer vp|on dead carcasses, and that the great riuer of Wharfe whereinto that brooke dooth run, and of all the water comming from Towton, was coloured with bloud.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The chase continued all night, and the most part of the next daie, and euer the northerne men (as they saw anie aduantage) returned againe, and fought with their enimies, to the great losse of both parts. For in these two daies were slaine (as they that knew it wrote) on both parts six and thirtie thousand seuen hundred thréescore & sixteene persons,The number slaine in bat|tel of Saxtõ, otherwise cal|led Palme|sun [...]aie field. all En|glishmen and of one nation, whereof the chiefe were the earles of Northumberland and Westmerland, the lord Dacres, and the lord Welles, sir Iohn Ne|uill, Andrew Trollop, Robert Horne, and manie o|ther knights and esquiers, and the earle of Deuon|shire was taken prisoner, but the dukes of Sum|merset and Excester fled from the field and saued themselues.

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