Compare 1577 edition: 1 Thomas Walden so called of the towne where he was borne, but his fathers surname was Netter, a white frier of London, and the thrée and twentith pro|uinciall gouernour of his order, a man vndoubted|lie learned, and thoroughlie furnished with cunning of the schooles, but a sore enimie to them that profes|sed the doctrine of Wickliffe, writing sundrie great volumes and treatises against them, he died at Rone in Normandie, the second of Nouember, in the yeare one thousand foure hundred and thirtie; Richard Ullerston, borne in Lancashire, wrote di|uerse treatises of diuinitie; Peter Clearke, a stu|dent in Oxenford, and a defendor of Wickliffes doc|trine, wherevpon when he feared persecution here in England, he fled into Boheme, but yet at length he was apprehended by the imperialists, and died for it, as some write, Fabian and Caxton. but in what order, is not expressed.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Robert Hounslow, a religious man of an house in Hounslow beside London, whereof he tooke his surname; Thomas Walsingham, borne in Norf|folke, in a towne there of the same name, but profes|sed a monke in the abbeie of saint Albons, a diligent historiographer; Iohn Tilneie, a white frier of Yer|mouth, but a student in Cambridge, and prooued an excellent diuine; Richard Fleming, a doctor of diui|nitie in Oxenford, of whome more at large before, pag. 604. Iohn Low borne in Worcestershire, an Augustine frier, a doctor of diuinitie, and prouin|ciall in England of his order, and by king Henrie the sixt, made first bishop of saint Asaph, and after re|mooued from thense to Rochester; Thomas Ring|sted the yoonger, not the same that was bishop, but a doctor of the law, and vicar of Mildenhall in Suf|folke, a notable preacher, and wrote diuerse trea|tises.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Iohn Felton, a doctor of diuinitie of Madgdalen college in Oxenford; Nicholas Botlesham, a Car|melit frier borne in Cambridgeshire, and student first in the vniuersitie of Cambridge, and after in Paris, where he proceeded doctor of diuinitie; Tho|mas Rudburne, a monke of Winchester, and an hi|storiographer; Iohn Holbrooke, borne in Surrie, a great philosopher, and well séene in the mathematiks; Peter Paine, an earnest professor of Wickliffes doctrine, and fearing persecution here in England, fled into Boheme, where he remained in great esti|mation for his great learning & no lesse wisedome; Nicholas Upton, a ciuilian, wrote of heraldrie, of colours in armorie, and of the dutie of chiualrie; William Beckeleie, a Carmelit frier of Sand|wich, & warden of the house there, a diuine, and pro|fessed degree of schoole in Cambridge; Iohn Torpe, a Carmelit frier of Norwich.