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Compare 1577 edition: 1 These gaue the onset so fiercelie at the beginning, that the victorie rested doubtfull a certeine time,The second battell at S. Albons. so that if the easterne and southerne men had conti|nued as they began, the field had beene theirs; but af|ter they had stood to it a pretie while, and perceiued none of their fellowes from the great armie to come and assist them, they began to faint, and turning their backes, fled amaine ouer hedge and ditch,The [...] part [...] through thicke and thin, woods and bushes, séeking so to escape the hands of their cruell enimies that followed them with eger minds, to make slaughter vpon them, namelie, the northern prickers, now in the chace pur|sued most hotlie, and bare downe manie, and more had doone, if the night comming vpon, had not staied them.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 When the daie was closed, those that were about the king (in number a twentie thousand) hearing how euill their fellowes had sped, began vtterlie to despaire of the victorie, and so fell without anie long tarriance to running awaie. By reason whereof, the nobles that were about the king, perceiuing how the game went, and withall saw no comfort in the king, but rather a good will and affection towards the con|trarie part, they withdrew also, leauing the king ac|companied with the lord Bonneuille, & sir Thomas Kiriell of Kent; which vpon assurance of the kings promise, tarried still with him, and fled not. But their trust deceiued them, for at the queenes departing from saint Albons, they were both beheaded; though contrarie to the mind and promise of hir husband. Sir Thomas Thorp, baron of the escheker, was also beheaded the same daie, at Highgate, by the com|mons of Kent.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Such was the successe of this second battell fought at S. Albons, vpon Shrouetuesdaie, the seuentéenth of Februarie, in which were slaine thrée and twentie hundred men, of whom no noble man is remembred,1916, as Iohn Stow noteth Sir Iohn Graie slain [...]. saue sir Iohn Graie, which the same daie was made knight, with twelue other, at the village of Colneie. Now after that the noble men and other were fled, and the king left in maner alone without anie pow|er of men to gard his person, he was counselled by an esquier called Thomas Hoo, a man well langua|ged, and well seene in the lawes, to send some conue|nient messenger to the northerne lords, aduertising them, that he would now gladlie come vnto them (whome he knew to be his verie fréends, and had as|sembled themselues togither for his seruice) to the end he might remaine with them, as before he had remained vnder the gouernement of the southerne lords.

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