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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In this conflict was wounded and taken priso|ner, Richard earle of Salisburie, sir Richard Lim|bricke, Rafe Stanleie, Iohn Harow, capteine Han|son, and diuerse others. The lord Clifford, perceiuing where the earle of Rutland was conueied out of the field (by one of his fathers chapleins, and scholemai|ster to the same earle) and ouertaking him,The cruell murther of the yoong earle of Rutland. stabbed him to the heart with a dagger as he kneeled afore him. This earle was but a child at that time of twelue yeares of age, whome neither his tender yeares, nor dolorous countenance, with holding vp both his hands for mercie (for his speach was gone for feare) could mooue the cruell heart of the lord Clifford to take pitie vpon him, so that he was noted of great infamie for that his vnmercifull murther vpon that yoong gentleman.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But the same lord Clifford not satisfied herewith, came to the place where the dead corpse of the duke of Yorke laie, caused his head to be striken off, and set on it a crowne of paper, fixed it on a pole, and pre|sented it to the quéene, not lieng farre from the field, in great despite, at which great reioising was shew|ed: but they laughed then that shortlie after lamen|ted, and were glad then of other mens deaths that knew not their owne to be so néere at hand. ¶Some write that the duke was taken aliue, Whethamsted and in derision caused to stand vpon a molehill, on whose head they put a garland in steed of a crowne, which they had fa|shioned and made of sedges or bulrushes; and hauing so crowned him with that garland, they knéeled downe afore him (as the Iewes did vnto Christ) in scorne, saieng to him;

Haile king without rule, haile king without heritage, haile duke and prince with|out people or possessions. And at length hauing thus scorned him with these and diuerse other the like de|spitefull words, they stroke off his head, which (as yee haue heard) they presented to the quéene.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Manie déemed that this miserable end chanced to the duke of Yorke, as a due punishment for breaking his oth of allegiance vnto his souereigne lord king Henrie: but others held him discharged thereof, bi|cause he obteined a dispensation from the popeA purchase of Gods cursse with ye popes blessing. by such suggestion as his procurators made vnto him, whereby the same oth was adiudged void, as that which was receiued vnaduisedlie, to the preiudice of himselfe, and disheriting of all his posteritie. After this victorie by the quéene,The priso|ners beheaded the earle of Salisburie and all the prisoners were sent to Pomfret, and there be|headed, whose heads (togither with the duke of Yorkes head) were conueied to Yorke, and there set on poles ouer the gate of the citie, in despite of them and their linage. The earle of March,The earle of March now duke of Yorke. now after the death of his father, verie duke of Yorke, lieng at Glocester, was woonderfullie amazed, when the sor|rowfull newes of these mishaps came vnto him: but EEBO page image 660 after comfort giuen to him by his faithfull louers and assured alies, he remooued to Shrewesburie, de|claring to the inhabitants of that towne, and to them of the other townes in those parties the murther of his father, the ieopardie of himselfe, and the present ruine of the common-wealth.

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