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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 This agreement put in articles, was ingrossed, sealed, and sworne vnto by the two parties, and also enacted in the parlement. For ioy whereof the king, hauing in his companie the duke of Yorke, road to the cathedrall church of saint Paule in London, and there on the day of All saints with the crowne on his head went solemnelie in procession, and was lodged a good space after in the bishops palace, néere to the said church.

The duke of Yorke procla|med heire ap|parant & pro|tectour of the realme.

The parlemẽt [...] Couentrie [...].

And vpon the saturdaie next insuing, Richard duke of Yorke was by sound of trumpet so|lemnelie proclamed heire apparant to the crowne of England, and protectour of the realme. After this, the parlement kept at Couentrie the last yeare, was declared to be a diuelish councell, and onelie had for destruction of the nobilitie, and was indéed no law|full parlement: bicause they which were returned, were neuer elected according to the due order of the law, but secretlie named by them which desired ra|ther the destruction than the aduancement of the common-wealth. When these agréements were en|acted, the king dissolued his parlement, which was the last parlement that euer he ended.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The duke of Yorke, well knowing that the queene would spurne against all this, caused both hir and hir sonne to be sent for by the king. But she as woont ra|ther to rule, than to be ruled, and thereto counselled by the dukes of Excester and Summerset, not onelie denied to come, but also assembled a great armie, in|tending to take the king by fine force out of the lords hands. The protector in London, hauing knowledge of all these dooings, assigned the duke of Norffolke, and erle of Warwike his trustie fréends to be about the king, while he with the earles of Salisburie and Rutland, and a conuenient number departed out of London the second daie of December northward, and appointed the earle of March his eldest sonne to follow him with all his power. The duke came to his castell of Sandall beside Wakefield on Christmasse éeuen, & there began to make muster of his tenants and fréends. The quéene there of ascerteined, determi|ned to cope with him ye [...] his succour were come.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Now she, hauing in hir companie the prince hir sonne the dukes of Excester and Summerset, the earle of Deuonshire, the lord Clifford, the lord Ros, and in effect all the lords of the north parts, with eightéene thousand men, or (as some write) two and twentie thousand, marched from Yorke to Wake|field, and bad base to the duke, euen before his castell gates. He hauing with him not fullie fiue thousand persons, contrarie to the minds of his faithfull coun|cellors would needs issue foorth to fight with his eni|mies. The duke of Summerset and the quéenes part, casting vpon their most aduantage, appointed the lord Clifford to lie in one stale, and the earle of Wil|shire in another, and the duke with other to kéepe the maine battell. The duke of Yorke with his people des|cended downe the hill in good order and arraie, and was suffered to passe on towards the maine bat|tell.

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