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Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the morning earlie, being the daie of saint Te|cle,The 23 of September. he caused his souldiers to shoot their flights to|wards the lord Audelies companie, which laie on the other side of the said water, and then he and all his people made a signe of retreit. The lord Audelie, sup|posing his aduersaries had fled in déed, caused his trumpets quicklie to blow vp, and setting foorth his voward, speedilie passed the water. The earle of Sa|lisburie,Policie oft times passeth [...]. which knew the sleights of warlike policie, suddenlie returned, and set vpon the lord Audelie and his cheefe capteins, yer the residue of his armie could passe the water. The fight was sore and dread|full. The earle desiring the sauing of his life, and his aduersaries coueting his destruction, fought sore for the obteining of their purpose: but in conclusion, the earles armie, as men not looking for other succours nor meane to escape, but by their owne manhood, so egerlie assaulted their foes,The lord Au|delie slaine. that they slue the lord Audelie and all his capteins, and discomfited all the remnant of his people.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In this battell were slaine foure and twentie hun|dred persons,The number slaine in the battell of Bloreheath. but the greatest losse fell vpon the Ches|shire men, bicause one halfe of the shire was on the one part, and the other halfe on the other: of which number were sir Thomas Dutton, sir Iohn Doune and sir Hugh Uenables, sir Richard Molineur, sir William Trowtbecke, sir Iohn Legh of the Both, and sir Iohn Egerton, knights; Iohn Done,The earle of Salisburies sonne appre|hended. and Iohn Dutton esquiers. But the earles two sonnes, the one called sir Iohn Neuill, and the other sir Tho|mas Neuill, were sore wounded, the which soberlie iornieng into the north countrie, were apprehended by the quéenes fréends, and togither with sir Thomas Harington that was likewise taken, were conueied to Chester; but their kéepers deliuered them shortlie after, or else had the Marchmen destroied the goales. Such fauour bare the commons of Wales to the duke of Yorks band, that they could not suffer anie wrong to be offered, or euill word to be spoken a|gainst him or his freends.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 After this battell at Bloreheath, the said duke of Yorke, perceiuing the destruction of him and his fréends was intended, and that his deuises were al|readie disclosed to the king and the queene, he thought now no longer to linger his businesse, but with all diligence to set forward the same. And therfore send|ing for his cheefe freend the earle of Salisburie, after long conference of their weightie affaires,The duke of Yorke assem|bleth an armie they de|termined to raise an armie, and by fine force either to win their purpose, or end their liues in the same. Héerevpon were men foorthwith assembled, freends sent for, and a puissant armie gathered, both of Nor|therne and Welshmen, who in good order came into the marches of Wales adioining to Shropshire, de|termining there to abide their enimies, or to méet them; if occasion serued.

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