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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In the meane season, the quéene, assisted and ru|led by the dukes of Summerset and Buckingham, hauing a vigilant eie to all hir businesse, imagined that the earle of Warwike had kindled this fier, to the intent to set the crowne on the duke of Yorks head. Wherefore she appointed Iames Twichet lord Audelie (bicause his power laie in those parties by the which the earle of Salisburie must passe) to raise an hoast of men with all speed,The lord Audelie. and to giue battell to the same earle, if he saw cause and place conuenient. She had deuised a cognisance of the white swan, [...] which she willed all such (as she knew to beare fauor vnto hir sonne) to weare, for a signification of their good minds and hartie loue towards him: which cog|nisance she had giuen to manie gentlemen of Ches|shire, and other countries thereabout.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The quéene hir selfe laie the same time at Eccle|sale in Staffordshire, but the K. remained at Col|leshill in Warwikeshire, whither the earle of Salis|burie meant to come, in pretense to haue communed with him for a reformation of matters depending in controuersie betwixt himselfe, the duke of Yorke, and others. But the queene construing that they ment no good, neither to hir nor hir husband, reque|sted the lord Audelie to apprehend him, if by anie means he might. Whethamsted The lord Audelie (according to his commission) assembled aboue ten thousand men of Chesshire and Salopshire, and knowing by his espi|als which waie the earle kept, approached néere to him vpon a faire plaine called Bloreheath,Bloreheath. within a mile of a towne called Draiton in Shropshire. The earle, perceiuing in what ieopardie he stood, determi|ned to abide the aduenture with fame and honour, rather than to flie with shame and reproach; and so incamped himselfe all the night on the side of a little brooke, not verie brode, but somewhat deepe.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the morning earlie, being the daie of saint Te|cle,The 23 of September. he caused his souldiers to shoot their flights to|wards the lord Audelies companie, which laie on the other side of the said water, and then he and all his people made a signe of retreit. The lord Audelie, sup|posing his aduersaries had fled in déed, caused his trumpets quicklie to blow vp, and setting foorth his voward, speedilie passed the water. The earle of Sa|lisburie,Policie oft times passeth [...]. which knew the sleights of warlike policie, suddenlie returned, and set vpon the lord Audelie and his cheefe capteins, yer the residue of his armie could passe the water. The fight was sore and dread|full. The earle desiring the sauing of his life, and his aduersaries coueting his destruction, fought sore for the obteining of their purpose: but in conclusion, the earles armie, as men not looking for other succours nor meane to escape, but by their owne manhood, so egerlie assaulted their foes,The lord Au|delie slaine. that they slue the lord Audelie and all his capteins, and discomfited all the remnant of his people.

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