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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 By this vnhappie fraie, there arose anon after such trouble and terrible warre, that the whole realme was thereby disquieted. For after this displeasure doone to the earle, and the quéens good mind towards him by his secret fréends reuealed; he wish all dili|gence tooke his iournie to Warwike, and after into Yorkeshire, where he found the duke of Yorke, and the earle of Salisburie, declaring vnto them the as|sault made vpon him by the kings seruants, and the pretensed euill purpose of the quéene. After which complaint made, he fearing to be dispossessed of his roome at Calis, with great spéed imbarked himselfe and sailed thither. He was not onelie deputie or lieu|tenant of Calis, but also high admerall of the seas, Whethamsted The earle of Warwike lord admerall. which office was to him confirmed for the space of fiue yeares. Wherevpon, whether before his arriuall now at Calis, or shortlie after, I cannot say; but this yeare about the middest of summer, the said earle, ha|uing with him a fouretéene well appointed ships, sailed abroad to scowre the seas, and by chance met with fiue great ships, whereof thrée were caraks of Genoa, and the other two were of Spaine, bigger in heigth and length than the caraks.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The earle, though he was scarse able to deale against them, yet he valiantlie incountred them. There was a verie sore and long continued battell fought betwixt them, for it lasted almost the space of two daies. Yet in the end the victorie fell to the Eng|lish, so that two of those ships being forced to saue themseluesby flight, the other thrée were taken, which the earle brought vnto Calis, with all the merchan|dize aboord the same; the value whereof in wine, oile,A rich prise. wax, iron, cloth of gold, and other riches, was estée|med to the summe of ten thousand pounds & aboue. By reason whereof, that was sold now for twelue pense, which would not haue béene bought before for two shillings. There were taken a great number of prisoners, beside a thousand of the enimies slaine in fight. Of the earles part there were fiftie slaine. The earles fame héereby increased not a little, and manie a blessing he had for this peece of seruice.

¶The noble science of Printing was about this time found in Germanie at Magunce by one Iohn Cuthembergus a knight: Abr. Fl. ex [...] pag. 686, 687. Printing [...] inuented. one Conradus an Al|maine brought it into Rome: William Caxton of London mercer brought it into England about the yeare 1471: and first practised the same in the abbie of saint Peter at Westminster; after which time it was likewise practised in the abbies of S. Augustine EEBO page image 649 at Canturburie, saint Albons, and other monaste|ries of England.It rained bloud. In a little towne in Bedfordshire there fell a bloudie raine, whereof the red drops appee|red in shéets, the which a woman had hanged out for to drie.]

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