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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 These things being thus in dooing, the French king, seeing that the towne of Mans was not deliue|red according to the appointment taken by force of the marriage, raised an armie for to recouer the same. Whereof the king of England being aduerti|sed (least the breach of the truce should come by him) caused the towne to be deliuered without anie force. This yeare was a great commotion in Norwich a|gainst the prior of the place.A commotion in Norwich. At length the citizens o|pened the gates to the duke of Norffolke, who came thither to appease the matter, though at the first they would not suffer him to enter. The chéefe offendors were (according to their demerits) gréeuouslie puni|shed and executed, and the maior was discharged of his office,The libe [...]t [...]s of Norwich seized int [...] [...] kings hands. Indirect meanes to reforme wrongs. and sir Iohn Clifton was made gouer|nour there, vntill the king had restored the citizens to their ancient liberties. This commotion was be|gun for certeine new exactions which the prior clai|med and tooke of the citizens, contrarie to their an|cient fréedome. But herein a wrong taken for get|ting of right was worthilie corrected.

¶ In the foure and twentith yeare of this kings reigne, Abr. Fl. ex Fabian. 343. Polychron Combats in cases of ap|peales tou|ching treason. the prior of Kilmaine appeached the earle of Ormond of treason. For triall whereof the place of combat was assigned in Smithfield, & the barriers for the same there readie pitcht. Howbeit, in the meane time a doctor of diuinitie, named maister Gil|bert Worthington, parson of saint Andrews in Hol|borne, and other honest men, made such sute with di|ligent labour and paines-taking to the kings coun|cell, that when the daie of combat approched, the qua|rell was taken into the kings hands, and there en|ded. ¶ In the same yeare also, a certeine armourer was appeached of treason by a seruant of his owne.Drunken|nesse the ouer|throw of right and manhood. For proofe whereof a daie was giuen them to fight in Smithfield, insomuch that in conflict the said ar|mourer was ouercome and slaine; but yet by mis|gouerning of himselfe. For on the morow, when he should come to the field fresh and fasting, his neigh|bours came to him, and gaue him wine and strong drinke in such excessiue sort, that he was therewith distempered, and réeled as he went, and so was slaine without guilt. As for the false seruant, he liued not long vnpunished; for being conuict of felonie in court of assise, he was iudged to be hanged, and so was, at Tiburne.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Whilest the warres betwéene the two nations of England & France ceassed (by occasion of the truce) the minds of men were not so quiet, Anno Reg. 25. but that such as were bent to malicious reuenge, sought to compasse their prepensed purpose, not against forren foes and enimies of their countrie, but against their owne countrie men, and those that had deserued verie well of the common-wealth: and this speciallie for ouer|much mildnesse in the king, who by his authoritie might haue ruled both parts, and ordered all diffe|rences betwixt them, but that in déed he was thought too soft for gouernor of a kingdome.The descrip|tion of the quéene. The quéene con|trariwise, a ladie of great wit, and no lesse courage, desirous of honour, and furnished with the gifts of reason, policie, and wisedome; but yet sometime (ac|cording to hir kind) when she had béene fullie bent on a matter, suddenlie like a weather cocke, mu|table and turning.

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