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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The duke of Yorke, perceiuing that the French king minded not to fight, purposed to passe ouer the riuer of Oise, and so to fight with him in his lodging. Whervpon he remooued his campe, and appointed the lord Talbot and other, to make a countenance, as they would passe the riuer by force at the port of Beaumont: and appointed an other companie in boates of timber and leather, and bridges made of cords and ropes (whereof he had great plentie caried with him in chariots) to passe ouer beneath the abbie. Whilest the lord Talbot made a crie, as though he would assault the gate, certeine Englishmen passed the water in botes, and drew a bridge of cords ouer, so that a great number of them were got to the other side,A policie for a bridge. yer the Frenchmen were aduised what had hap|pened. When they saw the chance, they ran like mad men, to haue stopped the passage, but it was too late: for the most part of the Englishmen were got ouer, in so much that they chased their enimies backe, and slue sir Guilliam de Chastell, nephue to the lord Ta|neguie du Chastell, and diuerse others.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The Frenchmen séeing their euill hap irrecoue|rable, returned to the French king, Enguerant de Monstrelle [...]. and told him what had chanced: wherevpon he doubting to be assai|led to his disaduantage, thought not good longer to tarrie, but with all spéed remoouing his ordinance into the bastile of saint Martin, which he had newlie made, dislodged in the night from Maubuisson, and went to Poissie, leauing the lord de Cotignie adme|rall of France, with thrée thousand men to kéepe the EEBO page image 618 bastile. If he had taried still at Manbuisson, the lord Talbot which had passed the riuer of Oise in two small leather botes, had either taken or slaine him the same night. Edw. Hall. The Englishmen the next daie in good order of battell came before the towne of Pon|thoise, thinking there to haue found the French king, but he was gone: and in his lodging they found great riches, and much stuffe which he could not haue space for to carrie awaie for feare of the sudden in|uasion.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Then the duke with his power entred into the towne, and sent for new vittels, and repaired the tow|ers and bulworks about the towne, & diuerse times assaulted the bastile of the Frenchmen, of the which he made no great accompt, bicause they were not of power either to assault or stop the vittels or succors from the towne. After this, the duke intending once againe to offer the French king battell, left behind him at Ponthoise for capteine there, sir Geruais Clifton, sir Nicholas Burdet, Henrie Chandos, and a thousand soldiers, and therewith remoouing with his whole armie, came before Poissie, where he set himselfe and his men in good order of battell readie to fight. There issued out some of the French gentle|men to skirmish with the Englishmen, but to their losse: for diuerse of them were slaine, and foure vali|ant horssemen taken prisoners. The duke perceiuing the faint hearts of the Frenchmen, and that they durst not incounter in field with the English power, dislodged from Poissie, and came to Maunt, and soone after to Rone.

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