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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 When the duke of Burgognie was informed of the approching of the lord Talbot,Croitoy res|cued. he with all his power (sauing foure hundred, which were left in a ba|stile by him there newlie builded) fled to Abuile, the bastile was soone gained by the Englishmen, and those within either slaine or taken. After this, the lord Talbot sent to the duke of Burgognie, signifieng that except he would come foorth, and bide by a bat|tell, he would vtterlie wast his countrie of Picardie. According wherevnto (the duke of Burgognie shrin|king) he burnt townes, spoiled and slue manie people in Picardie. But for all those his doings, the duke of Burgognie appeared not, but got him from Abuile to Amiens, so that the lord Talbot abode twentie daies full in Picardie and Arthois, destroieng all afore him, and after returned vntouched. In the meane sea|son, sir Thomas Kiriell had gotten all the dukes ca|riages and ordinance, and left as much vittell in the towne of Croitoy, as would serue six hundred men a whole yeare, and conueied the residue to the earle of Warwike, who highlie praised them for their hardie dooings.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 After this, Henrie earle of Mortaigne, sonne to Edmund duke of Summerset,14 [...]8 ariued at Chierburgh with foure hundred archers, & thrée hundred speares, and passed through Normandie, till he came into the countie of Maine, where he besieged a castell called saint Anian, in the which were thrée hundred Scots, besides Frenchmen. This castell he tooke by assault, slue the Scots, and hanged the Frenchmen, bicause they were once sworne English. After this he got al|so another castell, two miles from saint Iulians, cal|led Alegerche, which was shortlie after recouered; and the lord of Camewis, which came to the rescue of the same, in the meane waie was intrapped and taken. Thus flowed the victorie, sometime on the one partie, and sometime on the other. For about the same time the townes of Meaux in Brie, and saint Susan were sold and deliuered to the French part, by the vntruth of the burgesses and inhabitants of the same towns, about the latter end of this sixteenth yeare.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 This yeare (by reason of great tempests) raging winds, and raine, there rose such scarsitie, Anno Reg. 17. Dearth of vittels. that wheat was sold at three shillings foure pense the bushell, wine at twelue pense the gallon, baisalt at fourtéene pense the bushell, and malt at thirteene shillings foure pense the quarter, and all other graines at ex|cessiue prices aboue the old rate. ¶ Wherevpon Steuen Browne (saith Polychronicon) at the same season maior of London, Abr. Fl. ex Polychr. tendering the state of the citie in this want of breadcorne, sent into Pruse cer|teine ships, which returned loden with plentie of rie: wherwith he did much good to the people in that hard time, speciallie to them of the citie, where the want of corne was not so extreame as in some other places of the land,Bread made of ferne roots. where the poore distressed people that were hungerbitten, made them bred of ferne roots, and v|sed other hard shifts, till God prouided remedie for their penurie by good successe of husbandrie.]

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