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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 The lord Talbot, the lord Scales, and sir Thomas Kiriell hearing of their approch, set out of Rone at midnight, & with great paine came to Rise so couert|lie in the morning, that the French suddenlie surpri|sed and set vpon, like men all amazed ran awaie and fled. In the chase were taken the lord of Fontains, sir Aleine Geron, sir Lewes de Balle, and thréescore knights, and esquiers, beside others; and there were slaine two hundred and more. The Hire escaped verie narrowlie, by swiftnesse of his horsse, though not vnwounded. The Englishmen returned to the towne of Rise, and found there great number of horsses & other baggages, which they ioiouslie brought with them to Rone.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 On the sixt daie of Nouember this present yeare, the earle of Warwike, Anno Reg. 16. The earle of Warwike re|gent came in|to France. as regent of France, passed the sea, after he had beene seuen times shipped and vn|shipped, and landed at Homflue with a thousand fresh souldiers, and came to Rone, and then the duke of Yorke returned into England. Betwéene the change of these two capteins, the duke of Burgognie (which sore enuied the glorie of the Englishmen) besieged the towne of Crotoy,Croitoy b [...]e|ged by the duke of Bur|gog [...]e. with ten thousand men and more, hauing with him great plentie of guns and goodlie ordinance. The earle of Warwike aduerti|sed hereof, sent the lord Fauconbridge, sir Thomas Kiriell, sir Iohn Montgomerie, Thomas Limbrike, Thomas Chandois, Dauid Hall, and diuerse other knights and esquiers, and an host of fiue thousand men, which passed the riuer of Some, beside the towne of saint Ualerie, wading in the water vp to the chin, so glad were they to rescue their felowes.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 When the duke of Burgognie was informed of the approching of the lord Talbot,Croitoy res|cued. he with all his power (sauing foure hundred, which were left in a ba|stile by him there newlie builded) fled to Abuile, the bastile was soone gained by the Englishmen, and those within either slaine or taken. After this, the lord Talbot sent to the duke of Burgognie, signifieng that except he would come foorth, and bide by a bat|tell, he would vtterlie wast his countrie of Picardie. According wherevnto (the duke of Burgognie shrin|king) he burnt townes, spoiled and slue manie people in Picardie. But for all those his doings, the duke of Burgognie appeared not, but got him from Abuile to Amiens, so that the lord Talbot abode twentie daies full in Picardie and Arthois, destroieng all afore him, and after returned vntouched. In the meane sea|son, sir Thomas Kiriell had gotten all the dukes ca|riages and ordinance, and left as much vittell in the towne of Croitoy, as would serue six hundred men a whole yeare, and conueied the residue to the earle of Warwike, who highlie praised them for their hardie dooings.

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