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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 Howsoeuer the matter was, the truth is, that he fled the six and twentith daie of Iulie, in the night. And the next daie in the morning, the duke of Gloce|ster landed in Calis hauen, & streight went into the campe, where his enimies the night before were lod|ged, and there he found manie faire peeces of ordi|nance, and speciallie one called Digeon: so named,A gun call [...] Digeon. after the cheefe towne of Burgognie; beside paui|lions, wine, beere, meale, and innumerable vittels. The duke of Glocester, séeing his enimies reculed, hauing in his companie fiue and twentie thousand men, entered into Flanders, burning houses,The duke of Glocester spoileth Flanders. killing such as made resistance, destroieng the countrie on euerie part, setting fire in the townes of Poperinch, Bailleull, and others. Also, they wasted the suburbes of diuerse closed townes, and after passed by New|castell, Rimesture, and Ualon chapell: and then en|tering into Artois, they came to Arques and Blan|desques, setting fire in euerie part where they came. Thus they passed by saint Omers, and finallie by Arde returned to Guisnes: and so to Calis at the six wéeks end, with great booties of cattell and riches.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 EEBO page image 615In all this their iournie, they had but small store of bread, which caused much faintnesse and diuerse di|seases in the armie, whereof a greater number died than did of the enimies sword: and yet the Flemings write, that they of Bruges distressed to the number of two thousand Englishmen in this iournie. [...]land. How|beit, the French writers affirme, that the English|men lost more of their companie in the marches a|bout Ard, Enguerant. than they did in all other places where they had béene before, hauing passed through the par|ties of Flanders, without incounter, or any damage doone to them by the enimies. After that, the duke of Glocester returned into England, where he was ad|uertised, that Iames king of Scots had besieged the castell of Rockesburgh with thirtie thousand men: but the capteine thereof, sir Rafe Greie defended it so manfullie,The king of Scots fled [...]rom his siege [...] Rockes| [...]urgh. for the space of twentie daies, that king Iames being then aduertised, that the earle of Nor|thumberland was comming to fight with him, fled with no lesse losse than dishonor, and inough of both.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Anno Reg. 15.Shortlie after that the duke of Burgognie had béene before Calis, at the desire of princes, a truce for a time was moued to be had betwéene the king of England & the said duke. For which cause were sent to Grauelin for the king of England, Henrie Beau|ford cardinall of Winchester, Iohn lord Mowbraie duke of Northfolke, Humfrie earle of Stafford, and diuerse other well learned & honorable personages. And for the duke of Burgognie, there appeared the duchesse his wife, the bishop of Arras, the lord of Croie, and diuerse other. At this treatie, a truce was taken for a small time,A truce taken betwéene the king of Eng|land and the duchesse of Burgognie. and for a lesse obserued, which was concluded betweene the king of England, and the duchesse of Burgognie (interlacing the duke and his name.)

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