The vertuous minded man thus chosen pope by spirituall counsell inueigled, lest the holie life (such as it was) that he had profest, tooke the papasie vpon him the same 1439, and called Felix the fift, which promotion yet he not long inioied. For after, by his successour Nicholas the fifts ambition, that had sub|orned emperour Frederike to be a worker in the matter, this sillie Amedeus was coosined of his popes golden crowne for a cardinals felt hat. An. 3. Nichol. Then (good man) at last could he find, whether were née|rer to christen profession, the life of a vertuous prince ruling in iustice, of a solitarie heremite vertuouslie occupied, of an imperious pope that may know no péere, or of a licentious cardinall to liue as he li [...]t. This poore prince had experience of all, & then knew EEBO page image 611 the best: when well might he lament him, but too late repent him.
And in the fift yeare of this Basilien councell that had a continuance of eleuen yeare (whereof an eight were run yer Felix was chosen,143 [...] in which Eu|genie remaining pope still, though of curst hart he neuer came at them) motion was made among Si|gismund the emperour and other christen kings (who for appeasing this schisme betwéene the pope and his prelats, were all present by person or proxie) that sith such horror of bloudshed betwéene the two nations continuallie so lamentablie raged in France, some mediation might be made for accord: whereof one thing seemed to minister occasion of the more hope, bicause the duke of Burgognie was willing (so that it were not of his owne sute) to returne and recon|cile himselfe with the French king his mortall eni|mie and ancient aduersarie.]
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Héerevpon by authoritie of this generall coun|cell,A solemne tretie of peace at Arras. two graue prelats, the one Nicholas Albergat a Carthusian frier, intituled a préest cardinall of the holie crosse; the other Hugh Lusignan a Cyprian, Gréeke, bishop cardinall of Prenest in Italie, came to the towne of Arras in Arthois, whither were sent from the king of England, Henrie Beauford cardi|nall of Winchester, Henrie archbishop of Yorke, William de la Poole earle of Suffolke, and Iohn Holland earle of Huntington, with diuerse other knights and esquiers. And for the French king were there present Charles duke of Bourbon, Lewes erle of Uandosme, Arthur of Britaine constable of France, the archbishop of Reimes, and sir Philip Harecourt. The duke of Burgognie was there in proper person, accompanied with the duke of Guel|ders, and the earles of Estampes, Lignie, S. Paule, Uaudemont, Neures, and Daniell sonne to the prince of Orange, with a great gard and a gallant companie.