[It may serue verie well here to recount, W. P. how somewhat before these daies, Martin the fift,14 [...]4 in the fiftéenth yeare of his popedome, An. 1431, Onuphrius Pan [...]n [...]. agreeing vpon a generall councell to be holden at Basill the same yeare, did anon after deceasse: whom Eugenie the fourth succéeding, and liking right well of the time and place, by his authoritie signified and sent with Iulian Cesarine his legat, did confirme the choise. Wherevpon as the councell the ninetéenth of Iulie the same 1431 was there begun, and his holi|nesse soone after aduertised how malapertlie his ghostlie children had imbusied themselues in chec|king at their holie fathers faults, and about refor|mation of his church at Rome; his sublimitie therat highlie offended (for great cause it had) commanded his legat by and by to dissolue that synod, and in his name to appoint a new at Ferrar, and so come his waie: vnder colour forsooth how that place was mée|test for the prelats of the Gréeke church, who had to confer with the Latine councell about points of reli|gion, wherein they long had remained at square.
But these Basilien clerks, there still fastlie contei|ning themselues, so smallie regarded this summons of Eugenie (who then with his prelats, as the time was run on, vpon prorogation from Ferrar kept an other councell at Florence 1439) as by a confident countermand cited Eugenie & all his cardinals to come to them at their solemne set councell at Basill. Which his supremasie (for so best became it, notwith|standing sundrie citations) vtterlie contemning to doo, they soone after like verie impious imps, first for contumacie accurssed his holie fatherhood, then de|priued him of his papasie, and out of hand chose an|other in his office, one Amedeus late duke of Sa|uoie, who afore that time hauing giuen vp his pos|sessions & dignitie vnto his children, became an here|mite in a monasterie of his own building by mount Geuenna in Sauoie nigh the lake Leman, where he by title of Decanus militum Iesu Christi, and ten more of nobilitie with him, had setled themselues to liue.
The vertuous minded man thus chosen pope by spirituall counsell inueigled, lest the holie life (such as it was) that he had profest, tooke the papasie vpon him the same 1439, and called Felix the fift, which promotion yet he not long inioied. For after, by his successour Nicholas the fifts ambition, that had sub|orned emperour Frederike to be a worker in the matter, this sillie Amedeus was coosined of his popes golden crowne for a cardinals felt hat. An. 3. Nichol. Then (good man) at last could he find, whether were née|rer to christen profession, the life of a vertuous prince ruling in iustice, of a solitarie heremite vertuouslie occupied, of an imperious pope that may know no péere, or of a licentious cardinall to liue as he li [...]t. This poore prince had experience of all, & then knew EEBO page image 611 the best: when well might he lament him, but too late repent him.