Compare 1577 edition: 1 The Frenchmen made a brag, as though they would haue assailed the Englishmen in their campe, but when they perceiued the courage of the lord re|gent, and the desire he had to fight, they framed them|selues so in order of battell, as though they could doo all things, and yet in effect did nothing: but that whi|lest part of them mainteined a skirmish, a sort of rude & rusticall persons were appointed to conueie into the towne thirtie oxen, and other small vittels. But this swéet gaine was déerelie paied for, if the losse with the gaine be pondered in equall balance: for hauing regard to their 30 leane oxen, in the skir|mish were slaine the lord Saintreiles brother to that valiant capteine Poiton de Saintreiles, also cap|teine Iohn brother to the lord Gawcourt, and fiftie other noble and valiant personages.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The Frenchmen thus politiklie hauing doone their feat, in the beginning of August, remooued their ar|mie vnto Fort vnder Yer, where, by a bridge of tuns they passed into the Ile of France. The duke of Bed|ford (like a wise prince) not minding to leaue the more in ieopardie for hope of the lesse, Anno Reg. [...] nor the acci|dent for the substance, raised his siege, and returned to Paris, nothing more minding than to trie his quarrell with dint of sword against the enimies, if they would thereto agrée. And herevpon sent Bed|ford his herald to the lord Gawcourt and other cap|teins of the French armie, offering them battell and a pitched field within a conuenient time, and where they would appoint. The French capteins answered the English herald, that there was time to gaine, and time to lose: and for choise of times they would vse their owne discretions.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Shortlie after, Piers Audebeufe constable of the castell of Rone, corrupted with monie, suffered the marshall of France, with two hundred other,The castell of Rone like t [...] be taken by treason of the capteine. as per|sons disguised to enter the place by stealth: but they were soone espied, and driuen to the dungeon, where they were constrained to yéeld themselues priso|ners: of the which some were hanged, some headed, and some ransomed, at the pleasure of the regent. This pageant thus plaied, the lord regent sent the earle of saint Paule, and Robert lord Willoughbie, with a competent number of men to besiege the towne of S. Ualerie, which the Frenchmen a little before had taken. This siege continued the space of thrée wéeks; at the end whereof the Frenchmen with|in yéelded the towne, and departed with their horsse and harnesse onelie to them saued.