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Compare 1577 edition: 1 About the same season, the French king, in hope to be receiued into the townes of Campaigne and Beauuois (by reason of the fauour and good will which the inhabitants bare towards him) was come with an armie towards Campaigne. Whereof the duke of Bedford being aduertised, and hauing now his host augmented with the new supplie, which the cardinall had of late brought vnto him, marched for|ward with great speed toward the place where he vn|derstood the French king was lodged: and comming to Senlis, he perceiued how his enimies were in|camped vpon the mount Pilioll, betweene Senlis and Campaigne.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Here might either armie behold the other: where|vpon for the auoiding of dangers that might insue, the campes were trenched, and the battels pitched, and the fields ordered as though they should haue tried the matter by battell: but nothing was doone except with skirmishes, in the which the Normans sore vexed the Frenchmen; and therefore receiued great commendations & praises of the lord regent: who vndoubtedlie determined to haue giuen battell to his enimies if they would haue abidden it. But af|ter the armies had thus lien ether in sight of other, for the space of two daies togither, the French king not determining to aduenture in an open battell the whole chance of the game, least he might thereby re|ceiue a perpetuall checkemate, in the night season re|mooued his campe, and fled to Crespie, though his number was double to the English armie. The duke of Bedford, Anno Reg. [...] séeing that the French king was thus cowardlie recoiled with all his power and armie, re|turned againe to Paris, euer suspecting the deceit|full faith of the Parisiens.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The bishop of Winchester, after that the French king was retreated backe, went into Boheme,Boheme. and there did somewhat, though shortlie after without a|nie great praise or gaine he returned into England, more glad of his comming backe than of his aduan|cing forward. Anon after the pope vnlegated him,The pope [...] vnlegat the cardinall of Winchester. K. Henrie [...] coronation at Westminster. and set an other in his place, wherewith he was no|thing contented. On the sixt daie of Nouember, be|ing the daie of saint Leonard, king Henrie in the eight yeare of his reigne was at Westminster with all pompe and honour crowned king of this realme of England. In the same yere the French king was receiued into the towne of Campaigne, and shortlie after were the townes of Senlis and Beauuois ren|dered to him. And the lord Longueuall tooke by stelth the castell of Aumarle, and slue all the Englishmen within it.

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