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Compare 1577 edition: 1 The duke of Bedford aduertised of all these dooings, assembled his power about him, and hauing togither ten thousand good Englishmen (beside Normans) departed out of Paris in warlike fashion, & passing thorough Brie to Monstreau fault Yonne, sent by his herald Bedford, letters to the French king, si|gnifieng to him; that where he had (contrarie to the finall conclusion accorded betwéene his noble bro|ther K. Henrie the fift, & king Charles the sixt, father to him that was the vsurper) by allurement of a di|uelish witch,Ione taken to be a witch. taken vpon him the name, title, & digni|tie of the king of France; and further had by mur|ther, stealing, craft, and deceitfull meanes, violent|lie gotten, and wrongfullie kept diuerse cities and townes belonging to the king of England his ne|phue; for proofe thereof he was come downe from Paris with his armie, into the countrie of Brie, by dint of sword and stroke of battell to prooue his wri|ting and cause true, willing his enimie to choose the place, and in the same he would giue him battell.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The new French king being come from Reimes to Dampmartine, studieng how to compasse them of Paris, was halfe abashed at this message. But yet to set a good countenance on the matter, he answe|red the herald, that he would sooner séeke his maister, than his maister should néed to pursue him. The duke of Bedford hearing this answer, marched toward the king, and pitched his field in a strong place. The French king though at the first he meant to haue a|bidden battell; yet when he vnderstood that the duke was equall to him in number of people, he changed his purpose, and turned with his armie a little out of the waie. The duke of Bedford, perceiuing his faint courage, followed him by the hils and dales, till he came to a town not far from Senlis, where he found the French king and his armie lodged; wherefore he ordered his battels like an expert cheefteine in mar|tiall science, setting the archers before, and himselfe with the noblemen in the maine battell, and put the Normans on both sides for wings. The French king also ordered his battels with the aduise of his capteins.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Thus these two armies laie two daies and two nights either in sight of other, without anie great dooing, except a few skirmishes, wherein the dukes light horssemen did verie valiantlie. At length in the dead of the night (as priuilie as might be) the French king brake vp his campe,The French armie fled in the night. Boheme. and fled to Braie. The duke of Bedford had much adoo to staie his people in the morning from pursuit of the French armie: but for that he mistrusted the Parisiens, he would not de|part farre from that citie, and so returned thither a|gaine. ¶ In this season pope Martin the fift of that name, meaning to subdue the Bohemers that dis|sented from the church of Rome in matters of reli|gion, appointed Henrie Beaufort Bishop of Win|chester & cardinall of saint Eusebie, to be his legat in an armie that should inuade the kingdome of Boheme, and to bring a power of men with him out of England. And because the warre touched reli|gion, he licenced the cardinall to take the tenth part of euerie spirituall dignitie, benefice, and promo|tion.

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