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Compare 1577 edition: 1 These departing in good order of battell out of Pa|ris, EEBO page image 600 came to Genuille in Beausse, and in a morning earlie, in a great frost, they departed from thence to|ward the siege; and when they came to a towne called Rowraie, in the lands of Beausse, they perceiued their enimies comming towards them, being to the number of nine or ten thousand of Frenchmen and Scots, of whome were capteins Charles of Clere|mont, sonne to the duke of Bourbon then being pri|soner in England; sir William Steward constable of Scotland, a little before deliuered out of captiui|tie, the earle of Perdriake, the lord Iohn Uandosine, the Uidame of Chartres, the lord of Toures, the lord of Lohar, the lord of Eglere, the lord of Beauiew, the bastard Tremoile, and manie other valiant cap|teins.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 Wherefore sir Iohn Fastolfe set all his companie in good order of battell, and pitched stakes before e|uerie archer, to breake the force of the horssemen. At their backes they set all the wagons and carriages, and within them they tied all their horsses. In this maner stood they still, abiding the assault of their eni|mies. The Frenchmen by reason of their great num|ber, thinking themselues sure of the victorie, egerlie set on the Englishmen, which with great force them receiued, and themselues manfullie defended. At length,1500 English did slaie and vãquish 10000 French. after long and cruell fight, the Englishmen droue backe and vanquished the proud Frenchmen, & compelled them to flée. In this conflict were slaine the lord William Steward constable of Scotland, and his brother the lord Dorualle, the lord Chateau|briam, sir Iohn Basgot, and other Frenchmen and Scots, to the number of fiue and twentie hundred, and aboue eleuen hundred taken prisoners, although the French writers affirme the number lesse.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 After this fortunate victorie, sir Iohn Fastolfe and his companie (hauing lost no one man of anie repu|tation) with all their cariages, vittels, and prisoners, marched foorth and came to the English campe before Orleance, where they were ioifullie receiued, and highlie commended for their valiancie and worthie prowesse shewed in the battell; the which bicause most part of the cariage was herring and lenton stuffe, the Frenchmen called it the battell of herrings. The earle of Suffolke being thus vittelled,The battell of herrings. continued the siege, and euerie daie almost skirmished with the Frenchmen within, who (at length being in despaire of all succours) offered to treat, and in conclusion, to saue themselues and the citie from captiuitie of their enimies, they deuised to submit the citie, themselues, and all theirs vnder the obeisance of Philip duke of Burgognie, bicause he was extract out of the stocke and bloud roiall of the ancient kings of France, thinking by this means (as they did in deed) to breake or diminish the great amitie betwéene the English|men and him.

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