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Compare 1577 edition: 1 The citie of Mans being thus recouered, Anno Reg. 6. the lord Talbot returned to Alanson, and shortlie after the earle of Warwike departed into England, to be go|uernour of the yoong king,Duke of Ex|cester deceas|sed. in steed of Thomas duke of Excester, latelie departed to God, and then was the lord Thomas Montacute earle of Salisburie sent into France, to supplie the roome of the said earle of Warwike, who landed at Calis with fiue thousand men, and so came to the duke of Bedford as then li|eng in Paris, where they fell in councell togither concerning the affaires of France, and namelie the earle of Salisburie began maruellouslie to phanta|sie the gaining of the citie & countrie of Orleance.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 This earle was the man at that time, by whose wit, strength, and policie, the English name was much fearefull and terrible to the French nation, which of himselfe might both appoint, command, and doo all things in manner at his pleasure,Montacute earle of Sa|lisburie a po|litike and va|liant man. in whose power (as it appeared after his death) a great part of the conquest consisted: for suerlie, he was a man both painefull, diligent, and readie to withstand all dange|rous chances that were at hand, prompt in counsell, and of courage inuincible, so that in no one man, men put more trust; nor any singular person wan the harts so much of all men.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Herevpon, after this great enterprise had long béene debated in the priuie councell, the earle of Sa|lisburies deuise therein was of them all granted and allowed, so that he being replenished with good hope of victorie, and furnished with artillerie & munition EEBO page image 599 apperteining to so great an enterprise, accompanied with the earle of Suffolke, and the lord Talbot, and with a valiant armie, to the number of ten thousand men, departed from Paris, and passed through the countrie of Beausse. There he tooke by assault, the towne of Genuille, and within fiue daies after had the castell deliuered vnto him, by them that were fled into it for their safegard. [...] also tooke the towne of Baugencie, suffering [...] man which would be|come subiect to the king of England, to inioie their lands and goods. The townes of Meun vpon Loire, and Iargeaulx, hearing of these dooings, presented to them the keies of their townes vpon like agréement. [About Maie in this 1428, W. P. Les grandes chroniques de Britaigne. the towne of Naunts and territories there with a fearefull earthquake were shaken, houses castels and strong buildings, in such terrour, as it was thought the end of the world had béene come.]

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