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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 Shortlie after, the lord of Raix, calling himselfe lieutenant generall for the Dolphin, entred into Maine with an armie of three thousand men, and by force tooke the castell of Malicorne, wherof was cap|teine an Englishman, one Oliuer Osbatersbie. In like maner, they tooke the little castell of Lude, and therein William Blackborne, lieutenant for Willi|am Glasdale esquier. After this, the Frenchmen re|turned backe to the Dolphin, and kept not on their iourneie to Pontorson, for that they vnderstood by e|spials, that the earle of Warwike, and the English|men there, determined to giue them battell, if they once attempted to raise the siege. They within the towne, being streictlie besieged perceiuing no like|lihood of succours, and seeing the English armie dai|lie increase, fell to treatie for doubt to be taken by force,Pontorson rendered to the English|men. and so rendered the towne vpon condition, that they might depart with horsse and harnesse onelie. Which being granted to them, the erle like a valiant capteine entered into the towne, and there appoin|ted for gouernors, the lord Ros, and the lord Talbot, and leauing there a conuenient garrison, returned to the lord regent.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 After the taking of this towne of Pontorson, there was a league, and treatie concluded betwéene the regent and the duke of Britaine; by the articles of which agréement, the townes of Pontorson and saint Iames de Beuuron were beaten downe to the ground and raced. When the lord of Raix was departed out of Maine (as ye haue heard) Christopher Hanson, Philip Or rather Goche. Gough, Martin Godfrie, called the Scaler, tooke by stealth the castell of saint Laurence de Mortiers. At the same time, when the capteine and the most part of his companie were gone foorth to heare masse, in a church ouer against the same ca|stell, and kéeping themselues close, till the capteine returned, they tooke him as he was entered within the first gate, & so was this castell stuffed with Eng|lishmen, and capteine thereof was appointed sir William Oldhall.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The same season, sir Iohn Fastolfe, gouernour of the countries of Aniou and Maine, assembled a great puissance of men warre, and laid siege before the castell of saint Owen Distais, beside the towne of Lauall; and after he had laine there ten daies, the castell was deliuered, they within departing with their liues and armour onelie to them granted, by the tenor of the composition, which they tooke with the same sir Iohn Fastolfe. After the winning of this castell, the Englishmen remooued to the strong castell of Grauile, and after twelue daies, they with|in offered to yeeld the castell by a daie, if they were not succoured by the Dolphin or his power: the offer was taken and pledges deliuered.

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