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The second course.The second course was: gellie coloured with co|lumbine flowers, white potage or creame of al|monds, breame of the sea, coonger, soles, cheuen, bar|bill and roch, fresh salmon, halibut, gurnard, rochet broiled, smelts fried, creuis or lobster; léech damaske, with the kings po [...]sie flourished therevpon, Vne sans plus; lamprie fresh baked, flampeine flourished with a s [...]utchion roiall, and therein thrée crownes of gold planted with flourdeluces and floure of camomill wrought of confections: with a deuise of a panther, and an image of saint Katharine with a whéele in one hand, & a scroll with a poesie in the other, to wit,

La royne mafile, in cestaile,
Per bon resoun, aues renoun.

The third course was, dates in compost,The third course. creame motle, carpe deore, turbut, tench, pearch with goion, fresh sturgion with welks, porperous rosted, mennes fried, creuisse de cau doure, pranis, éeles rosted with lamprie, a léech called the white leech flourished with hawthorne leaues & red hawes; a marchpane garni|shed with diuerse figures of angels, among which was set an image of S. Katharine, holding this pos [...]e,

Il est escrit, pur voir & eit,
Per marriage pure, cest guerre ne dure.

And lastlie a deuise of a tiger looking in a mirror, and a man sitting on horsse-backe all armed, holding in his armes a tigers whelpe with this poesie Per force sans resounie ay prise ceste best: and with his owne hand making a countenance of throwing of mirrors at the great tiger, which held this poesie; Gile che mirrour ma feste distour. Thus with all honour was finished the solemne coronation, after which the quéene soiour|ned in the palace of Westminster till Palmesun|daie following; and on the morow she tooke hir iour|nie towards Windsor; where the king and she held their Easter.]

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