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Compare 1577 edition: 1 When the king had thus ordered his businesse, he with the quéene his wife, the princes, & nobles of the realme departed from Paris, the sixt of Ianuarie, and came to Rone, but first before his departing, he caused processe to be made and awarded foorth a|gainst Charles the Dolphin, commanding him to appéere at the marble table at Paris; where for lacke of appearance,Sentence a|gainst the Dolphin. he was with all solemnitie in such case requisite, denounced guiltie of the murther and homicide of Iohn duke of Burgognie, and by the sentence of parlement banished the realme: but the Dolphin withdrew into Languedoc, and after to Poictiers, getting to him such fréends as he could; and namelie, he found the earle of Arminacke verie faithfull to him, not onelie aiding him with men, but also with his owne person he continuallie serued him against all his aduersaries.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The king of England comming to Rone,These coun|ties they in|ioied of the kings gift. soiour|ned there a certeine time, and receiued the homage of all the nobles of Normandie, amongst whome, the earle of Stafford did homage for the countie of Perch, and Arthur of Britaine likewise for the coun|tie of Yurie. He also ordeined his lieutenant gene|rall, both of France and Normandie, his brother Thomas duke of Clarence; and his deputie in Nor|mandie was the earle of Salisburie. When the feast of Christmasse was passed, he departed from Rone, with the quéene his wife, and by Ami [...]ns came to Calis, where he tooke ship the morow after Candle|masse daie, and landed at Douer,He landed at Douer vpon Candlemasse eéue saith Tho. Walsingham. and came to Can|turburie, and from thence to Eltham, and so through London to Westminster. I passe ouer to write what ioy and triumph was shewed by the citizens of Lon|don, and of all other his subiects in euerie place where he came.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The king himselfe, to render vnto God his most humble & hartie thanks,

King Henrie returneth into England with his [...] wife.

Thomas Wal|singham saith she was c [...]|ned the first in Lent. which that yere fell vpon the ninth of Februarie. The corona|tion of [...] Katharine.

caused solemne processions to be obserued and kept fiue daies togither in euerie citie and towne. After that doone, he made great purueiance for the coronation of his quéene & spouse, the faire ladie Katharine: which was doone the daie of S. Matthew, being the twentie fourth of Febru|arie, with all such ceremonies and princelie solemni|tie as apperteined. Which because it was full of roial|tie and honour (the qualitie of the principall perso|nages requiring no lesse) and recorded by writers of former ages, it séemeth necessarie and conuenient in this place to report it, in such sort as it is found at large in some, though others glansinglie passe by it, as a matter of no great obseruation. But it is worth the noting, to consider and take a view of the goodlie EEBO page image 579 order and reuerend dutifulnesse exhibited on all sides to the new quéene; of whome Anglorum praelia saith,
More coronatur maiorum regia coniux,
Ingeminans rex ô viuat, regináque vulgus,
Al [...]isonis suprema ferit clamoribus astra.

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