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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Whilest the king remained in Rone, to set things in order for the establishment of good policie in that citie, he sent abroad diuerse of his capteins, with con|uenient forces to subdue certeine townes & castels in those parties, as his brother the duke of Clarence,Uernon and Mante taken by the Eng|lish. who wan the strong towne of Uernon and Mante. In Uernon was sir William Porter made cap|teine, and in Mant the earle of March. The earle of Salisburie wan Hunflue, Titus Liuius. Hunflue takẽ. after he had besieged it from the fourth of Februarie vntill the twelfth of March. This towne was giuen afterwards vnto the duke of Clarence. Also the said earle of Salisburie wan the townes of Monster de Uilliers, Ew, New|castell, and finallie all the places in that quarter, which till that present were not vnder the English obei|sance. At Newcastell sir Philip Léech was made cap|teine.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 After Candlemasse, the king departed from Rone to go to Eureux, whither he promised to come in like case, as the Dolphin promised to be at Dreux, to the end that they might aduise vpon a conuenient place where to méet, to intreat of peace to be conclu|ded betwixt the two realms. But the Dolphin by si|nister persuasion of some enimies to concord, brake promise, and came not. When the king saw that tho|rough default of his aduersarie, no treatie would be had, he remooued to Uernon, and there a while remai|ned. Anno Reg. 7. Now from Eureux the king had dispatched the earle of Warwike vnto the siege of la Roch Guion, which fortresse he so constreined,Roch Guio [...] rendered vp. that it was yeelded into his hands, the sixt of Aprill, in the beginning of this seuenth yeare of king Henries reigne, and giuen to sir Guie Buttler late capteine of Rone, of the kings frée and liberall grant.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 About the same time, the duke of Excester laid siege vnto Chateau Galiard,Chateau G [...]|liard besieged. which siege continued from the last of March, vnto the latter end of Sep|tember, or (as some write) vnto the twentith of De|cember, as after shall appeare.Yuri taken by assaul [...]. The duke of Gloce|ster being sent to win the towne and castell of Yuri, tooke the towne by assault, and the castell was deliue|red by composition after fortie daies siege. After this the Englishmen ouerran the countrie about Char|tres, and did much hurt to their enimies in all places where they came. The hearts of the Frenchmen were sore discouraged with the losse of Rone, and the other townes which yeelded one after another thus to the EEBO page image 569 Englishmen, so that such as loued the wealth of their countrie sore lamented the imminent mischéefes, which they saw by the diuision of the nobilitie, like shortlie to fall on their heads, namelie bicause they saw no remedie prepared.

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