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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 This answer put the French ambassadors in a great studie, musing much at his excellent wit and hawtinesse of courage. Now after they had dined (as his commandement was they should) with his offi|cers, they vpon consultation had togither, required once againe to haue accesse to his roiall presence, which being granted, they humbling themselues on their knees,A truce for eight daies. besought him to take a truce for eight daies, during the which they might by their commis|sioners take some end and good conclusion with him and his councell. The king like a mercifull prince granted to them their asking, with which answer they ioifullie returned. After their departure were appoin|ted and set vp three tents, the one for the lords of Eng|land, the second for the commissioners of the citie, and the third for both parties to assemble in, and to treat of the matter.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The commissioners for the English part were the earles of Warwike and Salisburie, the lord Fitz Hugh, sir Walter Hungerford, sir Gilbert Umfre|uile, sir Iohn Robsert, and Iohn de Uasques de Al|mada. And for the French part were appointed, sir Guie de Butteler, and six others.Cõmissioners appointed. These commissio|ners met euery daie, arguing and reasoning about a conclusion, but nothing was doone the space of eight daies, nor so much as one article concluded: wherfore the Englishmen tooke downe the tents, & the French|men tooke their leaue: but at their departing they re|membring themselues, required the English lords (for the loue of God) that the truce might indure till the sunne rising the next daie, to the which the lords assented.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 When the French commissioners were returned into the citie without any conclusion of agréement, the poore people ran about the streets, crieng, and cal|ling the capteins and gouernors murtherers and manquellers, saieng that for their pride and stiffe sto|machs all this miserie was happened, threatning to slea them if they would not agrée vnto the king of Englands demand. The magistrats herewith ama|zed, called all the townesmen-togither to know their minds and opinions. The whole voice of the com|mons was, to yeeld rather than to sterne. Then the Frenchmen in the euening came to the tent of sir Iohn Robsert, requiring him of gentlenes to mooue the king, that the truce might be prolonged for foure daies. The king therevnto agréed, and appointed the archbishop of Canturburie, and the other seuen be|fore named for his part, and the citizens appointed a like number for them.

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