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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Finallie, the whole number of the Frenchmen EEBO page image 567 within the citie were brought to such a [...] extremitie for want of vittels, that they were in danger all to haue starued. Wherevpon being now pas [...] hope of reléefe, they determined to treat with the king of England, and so vpon Nowyeares euen there came to the wals such as they had chosen amongst them for commissioners, which made a sign [...] to the Eng|lishmen lieng without the gate of the bridge, to speake with some gentleman, or other person of au|thoritie. The earle of Huntington, which kept that part, sent to them sir Gilbert Umfrouile; vnto whom they declared, that if they might haue a safe conduct, they would gladlie come foorth to speake with the king. Sir Gilbert repairing to the duke of Clarence, and other of the kings councell, aduertised them of this request.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Herevpon the duke of Clarence with the other councellors resorted to the kings lodging, to informe him of the matter, and to know his pleasure therein; who after good aduisement and deliberation taken, willed sir Gilbert to aduertise them, that he was content to heare twelue of them, which should be safelie conueied into his presence. This answer be|ing brought to the Frenchmen by the said sir Gil|bert,They within [...]one demand parlee. on the next daie in the morning, foure knights, foure learned men, and foure sage burgesses, all clo|thed in blacke, came foorth of the citie, and were re|ceiued at the port saint Hilarie by sir Gilbert Um|freuile, accompanied with diuerse gentlemen and yeomen of the kings houshold, commonlie called yeomen of the crowne, by whome they were conuei|ed to the kings lodging, whome they found at masse, which being ended, the king came out of his tra|uerse, sternelie, and princelie beholding the French messengers, and passed by them into his chamber. And incontinentlie after he commanded that they should be brought in before his presence, to heare what they had to say.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 One of them séene in the ciuill lawes, was appoin|ted to declare the message in all their names, who shewing himselfe more rash than wise, more arro|gant than learned,A presumtu|ous orator. first tooke vpon him to shew wher|in the glorie of victorie consisted, aduising the king not to shew his manhood in famishing a multitude of poore, simple, and innocent people, but rather suffer such miserable wretches as laie betwixt the wals of the citie, and the trenches of his siege, to passe through the campe, that they might get their liuing in other places, and then if he durst manfullie assault the citie, and by force subdue it, he should win both worldlie fame, and merit great méed at the hands of almightie God, for hauing compassion of the poore, needie, and indigent people.

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